USG 40 throughput


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  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @cpanagop

    What firmware version you are running now?
    Do you encounter the same symptom as the original post since this fix should be included in the current release. Would you share the symptom on your device more detail?
    If you are still running firmware prior to 4.60, you may upgrade it to V4.62 and to see if everything going well.

  • jfoxwu
    jfoxwu Posts: 9  Freshman Member
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    I am also experiencing similar issues. Upgraded internet speed to 400mbps, and I can only get about 150mbps going through USG40 (firmware v4.65).

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,644  Guru Member
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    edited December 2021

    The USG40 is a light weight when it comes to speed on a single core its rated speed is done with Maximum throughput based on RFC 2544 (1,518-byte UDP packets) TCP will be much less.

    first try going to monitoe > system status > traffic statistics > uncheck collect statistics 

    As a test go to config > system > advanced and enable

    Going by the site it looks like USG 40/60 is being EOL how long the firmware will be updated for them models is unknown.  site updated now showing them....Seems it displays them for but not for

  • jfoxwu
    jfoxwu Posts: 9  Freshman Member
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    edited December 2021
    first try going to monitoe > system status > traffic statistics > uncheck collect statistics 

    As a test go to config > system > advanced and enable

    Thanks for the suggestions. Disabling "Collect Statistics" brought the speed up to 270mbps, and enabling "Fast Forwarding" further increased the speed to 390mbps.
    For future reference, how can I find out specification like this? Which line item on the product spec page reflect this? I have been considering upgrading to Flex 100, and now I am wondering what speed I can expect out of it.
    Once again, thanks for the help.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    jfoxwu said:
    I have been considering upgrading to Flex 100, and now I am wondering what speed I can expect out of it.
    Did you compared specs between USG40 and USG Flex 100? As chassis and port budget they seem comparable, but IMVHO intersting questions are:
    will you upgrade your connection bandwidth into next 3 years?
    to what cap?

    This might be a in important gamechanger for a budget conscious choice.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,644  Guru Member
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    If you want 1Gb by TCP you need to go like USG FLEX 500 or VPN300
  • tesagig
    tesagig Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    What is the expected throughput for a USG40 with app features on (virus, IDP,..)?
    I had 100Mbs service and measured on avg 104Mbps. Upgrades to 300Mbs and getting avg 111Mbs
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Here is a test result from our lab, it could give you a reference, as below:

    Internet <-> ( WAN) USG40( LAN) <-> PC 

    1. The UL/DL of the WAN interface is 1000Mbps
    2.USG40 enables UTM features
    3.PC is behind NAT
    4.PC execute speedtest(http)

    The test result of PC:
    The download throughput is 127.8 Mbps, the upload throughput is 100.32 Mbps.

  • tesagig
    tesagig Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    thanks for sharing this. So, I am limited with the USG40 to a 100Mbps subscription +/-. What device would allow 300Mps?
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
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    Based on the same test criteria: The USG Flex 100 download throughput is 582 Mbps, and upload throughput is 571.8Mbps.  It could give you a reference. Thanks.