Need some clarification on Zyxel security products

gga Posts: 4  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Security
looking for a Firewall for our small business (100M VDSL, max. 2 simult. VPN, max. 10 user surfing simult., overall 20 users), covering the standard firewall items plus some antivirus & antispam, I'm confused about the "zoo" Zyxel is offering.
There are UTM, Business, Advanced and Cloud based firewalls. All are described as the latest and greatest, but I can't find any comparison or hint what fits to us. Local dealers seem to be overwhelmed too, if I start asking a bit deeper.
Please advise

Second one: the Nebula idea looks pretty good - if I'm a company with multiple subsidiaries. And if I fully trust that there is no backdoor/security bug: Nebula lives and dies from the web access. So there must be an open port to the web. Given a hacking attack or simply a bug in the firmware, a potential bad guy could shut down my company.
Does Zyxel have other proucts with the same functionality without that cloud stuff?

