ZYWALL USG20W keeps rebooting

JBG Posts: 6
First Comment Second Anniversary
I've been using my Zywall USG20W for many years without any problem.
In the last few weeks it keeps rebooting, randomly, every 10/20 minutes, after it goes to 100% CPU usage.

I have updated the firmware to 
3.30(BDR.9) / 1.15 / 2016-11-22 10:05:22, but still the same.

Adding some info. The log shows these recurrent alerts by App Watch Dog:

- ctipd.bin is dead at (date/time)
- App watch dog recover ctipd.bin dead at the 3 time

 - App watch dog stop to recover ctipd.bin. Daemon state: dead
- ctipd.bin is dead at (date/time)
- diagnostic-info is collecting now. Wait it to complete [*there are a few identical entries of this alert]

I noticed that, after these alerts, CPU usage keeps growing up to almost 100%, then the device reboots.

Any ideas?

Accepted Solution

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓
    Try another switching power supply.
    If your current powerbrick is unable to deliver up to 1.5A - 12V the power consumption could be higher than available and make your device reboot. Upt to 3A power brick won't harm the firewall, but check the polarity of the connector before try.
    Look for the latest WK firmware.
    AFAIK this is a semi-official release, with some bug fixed and a certified TLS 1.2 support. Date of release is 1/12/2016. It's still an old and insecure/unpatched firmware for more recent vulnerabilities. This won't necessary mean that your device will stop rebooting, if it's fault/broken in any part, a newer firmware won't ease the issues.
    Consider to reset the device and to create from start the configuration. USG20 went from 2.x to 3.x firmwares so maybe the configuration could contain something not nice for the most current firmware version. Should not happen, but...

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