MG-105 upload speed limited with Livebox 6 (Orange)


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  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hi @jlucG,

    Thanks for your information.

    We received one of our customer's feedback that he said the if he connect his PC to MG-105 first,
    then connect MG-105 to livebox 6, the upload speed become normal.

    May you try this steps and help to screenshot the interface status again if your upload speed also become normal?

    About you question 1, I'm wonder about it too.
    Not sure why orange arrange the interfaces like this, maybe you can ask Orange's support engineer.

    Hi Melen,

    I have tried what your customer said but i didn't notice any change whatever the order of the connections.

    To summarize :
    with connection direct box i get 2000/800 (problem ?)
    with connection via switch i get 2000/below 400 (problem for sure)

  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hi Melen,

    I just talked to an Orange engineer. He said to me that the maximum upload speed with their fiber connection is 800Mpbs.

    Since i'm curious i searched the net to see what happens within their brand contestants : free, sfr,... and it appears that the Orange's 800Mbps is the fastest one.

    So the problem is with the switch Zyxel which divide the speed by about 2.

    I would be curious to test another switch (other than Zyxel... sorry 😉) to see if there is the same issue...

  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hi Melen,

    You will be happy 😀 It seems there is no particular issue with the zyxel MG-105.

    As i told you previously i did the same tests with another switch (Netgear XS508M 10Gb)
    I found 2000 download and 800 upload

    I was curious and repeated the test again with the Zyxel seconds later. I found 2000 download and 800 upload too.

    So I think that the Zyxel in not in question.

    I don't know what happened last week but certainly something independent of my will disrupted the network.

    And maybe the same thing happened to the other internauts in this forum...

    An alien cyber-attack ? 😁

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,756  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    Hi @jlucG,

    It's happy to hear your network is fine now.
    May I know the firmware version of livebox 6 now you're using?
    And may you share with me the screenshot of the interface status on livebox 6?
    Did you change any cable? Because you said you're using 0.5M Cat7 cable to connect MG-105 and livebox 6.

    Zyxel Melen

  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hi @jlucG,

    It's happy to hear your network is fine now.
    May I know the firmware version of livebox 6 now you're using?
    And may you share with me the screenshot of the interface status on livebox 6?
    Did you change any cable? Because you said you're using 0.5M Cat7 cable to connect MG-105 and livebox 6.

    Of course (see attached file)

    I didn't change anything except the time period of the experiments

    The config is :
    LB6 with port wan 2.5Gb going to switch connected to PCs (3)
    LB6 with port 1 going to a router connecting my home IoT
    LB6 with port 2 going to a connected doorbell
    LB6 with ports 3 & 4 empty

    Hope this will help 😀

    P.S : The temperature of the switch's casing is quite important (measured 51°C) so the heat inside must be much more...

  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Sorry i forgot to join the attached file 😪
    Here it is

    LB6.pdf 404.7K
  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hmmm! I spoke too soon...
    To day the upload speed drops down to 400Mbps again... tested with 2 differents switches
    May be there is a problem with the 2.5Gb port of the LB6 i think
  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,756  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    Hi @jlucG,

    Thanks for your information.
    Do you mean you tested with 2 differents switches(not MG-105) and the result shows upload speed drop down to 400Mbps again?

    Zyxel Melen

  • jlucG
    jlucG Posts: 10
    Friend Collector
    Hi @jlucG,

    Thanks for your information.
    Do you mean you tested with 2 differents switches(not MG-105) and the result shows upload speed drop down to 400Mbps again?

    Hi Melen,

    Sorry for this late answer.
    Yes it's what i mean.
    I contacted Orange and they are investigating.
    I must say that even if this issue occurs with other switches, with Zyxel it appears more often 😪
    And pursuing my experiences it appears that upload speed drops down to about 80Mbps sometimes...
  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,756  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    Hi @jlucG,

    This particular performance issue with Orange Livebox 6 is primary related to the inter-operability behavior due to the Green Ethernet Technology (EEE) supported by different chipsets.
    It is random and the result may depends on either cable quality or cable lengths.

    Kindly remind, all of the MG-105/108 has passed 2.5G wire-speed performance test at the time of manufacturing.
    So we recommend to contact your service provider to see if they can disable EEE remotely to overcome this issue.
    Zyxel Melen