NWA55AXE mounting height

Dant Posts: 2
First Anniversary
edited May 2024 in Wireless

I purchased two NWA55AXE.

I wish to connect (wirelessly) two buildings about 65-70 meters apart.

There is only one tree that obstructs the direct line of sight.

But my questions are:
1. Will distance be a problem?

2. On the important question - at what height is it best to mount the two APs?


All Replies

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,405  Guru Member
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    Dant said:
    There is only one tree that obstructs the direct line of sight.

    But my questions are:
    1. Will distance be a problem?
    2. On the important question - at what height is it best to mount the two APs?
    With this antenna, with that tree, i personally doubt that connection will be stable. Maybe an EXT-109 could be a nice addon, if you chasing 5GHZ, ANT3218.
    Also... why asking about height? Would you please explain a bit more the environment?

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Dant


    Like @mMontana recommended, with external antenna the outdoor AP can guarantee the distance you wish.


    In many users’ applications we often see, deploy AP 3-5 meters high with directly visible can build mesh with good signal and cover the wireless network.


    However, there are also extreme cases that do not guarantee such a distance and

    deployment can provide a good experience, such as cross the river or ocean bay because the water attenuate the signal much. Don’t hesitate to tell us more of your environment  ;)





  • Dant
    Dant Posts: 2
    First Anniversary
    Thanks for the answers.

    One building is about 10-12 meters high, the other 3-5.

    If you think the tree is a problem, there is another option where there will be a direct line of sight.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,405  Guru Member
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    In my experience, direct line of sight allows more stable, consistent and reliable performance for link and transfer rate. Also, directional antennas can dramatically improve the bandwidth, because a lot of the radio emission is towarded to the receiver.
    If bandwidth is important for transmit and receive from both sites, at least one directional antenna par site should be used.
    Using directional antennas can also improve the necessity for level the devices: mounting brackets can allow leaning and direction of the panel, so if the taller building has a mounting site which is not leveled to the tallest point of the shorter one, the orientation of the antenna can allow this height-uneven mounting.