Login-in error

PPommer1993 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Security
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

We have in our hotel Zyxel SP300e for wireless access to the guests
For weeks we have a problem with access to the Internet of our guests.
1. It comes with some devices, the error message that you should contact the Internet provider.
This is probably an authorization or certificate error.
With some devices it is enough if one changes the browser, but as for example with Apple products these possess only the Safari Browser.

2. When logging in, the website opens for log-in, as sometimes the error message appears on which the connection is not Private.
Some said it would work if you went to extended.
After that, a link would be called proceed to lions.selfip.com (unsafe).
But even here some devices do not have this link.

My question is, can you fix that somehow?
Is there another way to log in to the network successfully?
What is the Http link on the registration page?

thanks for answer and help

All Replies

  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
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    Hi @PPommer1993

    I have met once a time according "contact the Internet provider".

    But the reason is coming from the IP address has overlap on WAN and LAN interface.

    So every thing is working now after chagned LAN IP subnet as other subnet.

    How about you sharing the screenshot that you met?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    I think you missing some crucial information in your issue.. Because the SP300e is just a printer...

    Guessing that you also then have a N4100 device

    you can find the fix/explaintion here

     Most recently, it seems that our older N4100 units encounter issues where clients instead of redirected to the captive portal are prompted with warning message that the connection is not secure. 

    This is due to the redirect being set to IP address back then, which by now is reserved for the Cloudflare DNS server. 

    The solution to this issue is, to either create yourself a certificate according to the SOP guide (requires Linux machine) attached to this article.

    For customers who do not have this option, we have already created a certificate that can be implemented, which is also linked to this article. 
    Private key of the certificate is 12345

    Private Key File = private.key

    Certificate File = Certificate.crt


    You also need to set the SSL login page enabled on the N4100, screenshot below:



    Some of the latest Android devices will still show a "not secure" message after you uploaded the new certificate and applied the settings as mentioned above.

    Here is what you have to do:

    1. Factory Reset
    2. Upload of the certificate and configuration as mentioned in the KB article
    3. Configuration of the hot spot

    IMPORTANT: Do not apply the old config after factory reset. This will NOT work for this case.


    new certificate:

  • PPommer1993
    PPommer1993 Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    Wir besitzen Das Modell GS 1100-16 funktioniert das Zertifikat auch für dieses Gerät?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    Nein das Zertifikat ist nur für die N4100