Ap NWA5123-AC 2.4Ghz signal strong but connecting to internet slowly

Hary1987 Posts: 13
First Comment Friend Collector
edited May 2024 in Wireless
Hello every one.
i am using the USG110 as the wireless controller for APs NWA5123-AC. I don’t understand why the wireless signal is very strong, but when i try to ping to, the signal is unstable, sometimes very high. I wonder about the setting “country code”, i am in Vietnam, the config is “ switzerland”. Can you show me the affect of country code to the AP? And what country to choose?

All Replies

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    Country decide (for what is my knowledge) which radio-frequency regulation the system should obey; in Switzerland the ETSI standards are in force, into United States wireless networks must follow FCC rules; moreover, different countries allows different transmit power and antenna gain.

    I don't know in south est Asia which are the international rules that wireless networks must fulfill, but i strongly suggest you to update firmware of USG110 to the latest available and of the APs.
    As far as i read, since July 1 of 2021 some rules about frequencies and transmit power had been updated for Vietnam...

  • Hary1987
    Hary1987 Posts: 13
    First Comment Friend Collector
    mMontana said:
    Country decide (for what is my knowledge) which radio-frequency regulation the system should obey; in Switzerland the ETSI standards are in force, into United States wireless networks must follow FCC rules; moreover, different countries allows different transmit power and antenna gain.

    I don't know in south est Asia which are the international rules that wireless networks must fulfill, but i strongly suggest you to update firmware of USG110 to the latest available and of the APs.
    As far as i read, since July 1 of 2021 some rules about frequencies and transmit power had been updated for Vietnam...

    Thanks for the answer.

    i had just update the lastest firmware for USG110 few days ago, and Fw for APs auto update after that. But it’s all the same. Have you any sugguest for me ? 
  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @Hary1987


    NWA1000 series can’t be managed by AP controller, we assume you’re using USG as gateway and AP works in standalone mode. Thus, the path in below graph will be the AP local GUI.


    As you said, the wireless signal is very strong but latency to internet is high. How about ping the gateway at meanwhile? If the time is difference a lot, we assume intranet is fine.


    When you perform the test, 5GHz radio should be enabled with channel width 80MHz. After station connected, please check station’s status at Monitor > Wireless > Station Info > Station list, ensure the band is 5GHz, and record the station capability with Tx/Rx rate.


    Thank you





  • Hary1987
    Hary1987 Posts: 13
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Hi @Zyxel_Bella .

    Sorry, i had a mistake.Actually, i am using the NWA5123-AC

    I have checked the signal 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. there is a big difference. 
    On 2.4Ghz, the download speed is max 45Mbs, and on 5Ghz speed up to 300Mbs. But i cannot disable the 2.4Ghz signal, because a lot of devices just can connect with 2.4Ghz, wifi card not support for 5Ghz. And the 5Ghz signal will not coverage all places in my company.

    I think i need adjust 2.4Ghz configuration. Can you help me, plz.
  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 560  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch 50 Answers

    Hi @Hary1987


    Like @mMontana provided information, different country code is based on the regulations of the country and will impact power but it doesn’t relate to the throughput. Please configure it as your country to prevent unexpected connection problem.


    Considering you said there are many legacy devices in your home that can only use 2.4GHz radio, we conclude the suggestions here for you.


    Most devices need to connect to 2.4GHz in your situation, if you increase the 2.4GHz power then devices with 5GHz capability will easily connect to 2.4GHz and cause the 2.4GHz channel to be busier. Radio 2.4GHz has less non-overlapped frequency channels than 5GHz, it naturally has more interference.


    Therefore, we suggest to separate the 2.4GHz and 5GHz SSIDs independently.

    Devices with 5GHz capability can use 5G SSID to have better wireless experience and

    devices only have 2.4GHz capability connect to 2.4G SSID that can also reduce channel resources occupied by 5G capability devices.


    Here are some optimize settings for 2.4GHz environment, you can adjust these settings first and monitor if the whole wireless network gets better.

    1. Use DCS and set 2.4GHz channel deployment to 1-11 or 1-13, AP will calculate and choose the best channel to service.

    2. Channel width to 20M to prevent interference.


    Thank you


