I-Phone 14 Issue in wifi enviroment

Posts: 123  Ally Member
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hi guys,
i'm wandering  around a issue with iphone14 in a wifi enviroment with an internal  MS Exchange Server.
This is the scenario:
Usg 310 is the AP controller and the DHCP server for Vlans.
Vlan33 (192.168.33.XXX) is the vlan with internal DNS Server and LAN interface of MS Exchange Server
DNS resolves "mail.company.com" in
Vlan 556 (192.168.56.XXX) is dedicated to the company smartphones.
DHCP assigns ip 192.168.56.XXX, DNS1; DNS2
Obviously related security policies are in place, so traffic from vlan556 to vlan33 (DNS server destination) and vlan556to vlan33 (MS Exchange Server destination) is allowed.
At the moment more than 40 iphone 7/8/X/11 are working well with mail server.
New Iphone 14 with the same configuration doesnt'work: no problem with internet, apps etc... but no mail (in/out).
i tried to swap dns 1 and dns 2 ( resolves mail.company.com into public ip) but nothing is changed.
I repeated the configuration of mail client on the device but still not working. 
No more issue if switching off wifi on the device or if it is connected to anyother wifi outside the company. The same account on the old iphone7 works perfectly.

Any suggestion wil be appreciated.


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All Replies

  • Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    The certificate for mail.company.com also is valid for
  • Posts: 123  Ally Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Thank for your reply @mMontana

    the mail server manager says that communication on the lan interface does not require encryption.
    He is investigating about your question..

    ... Just Thinking...
    But if the problem is the certificate, why the issue remains if i use as DNS?
    And why anyother model is not afflicted?

    Just for clarification, the mail server has the  wan interface on a different vlan (101) and the outgoing traffic from each vlan hat its own public ip address.

  • Posts: 156  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    try to capture packets on vlan556/vlan33 to check if the traffic send out or receive ?
  • Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    @Fred_77 I currently don't know why the Apple devices is acting like that; if I knew, I'd told you what I did to solve it. But i wrote some questions I'd try to find answers.
    About the opinion of the mail manager: he/she/whatever (alphabetical order) has the right to think what wants, IMVHO if the encryption is set, unless diagnostic goal should be on all time. Take more time at beginning, solve a lot of headaches after.
    No error messages from iPhone 14 while not able to download data?


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