AP NWA1123-ACV2 Uplink port randomly down and up

alextouch Posts: 11
First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited May 21 in Wireless
Hello to everybody, this is my first message on this forum.
I own a Zyxel NWA1123-ACV2 from some months, configured as standalone AP, connected to a Netgear GS108E-v3 switch.
I noticed from several days that uplink port sometimes goes down and then up after few seconds. Sometimes it happens every hour, or every 20 minutes, or few times a day. When it happens, front LED flashes red.
Obviously, devices connected in Wi-Fi loss internet connection (e.g. VoIP, streaming, online gaming, and so on).
I installed last firmware versione (5.35) and upgraded also Netgear switch's firmware, tried to disable DCS, radio2, tried to change ethernet cable but problem doesn't disappear.

Can you suggest me something to do?

Thank you

All Replies

  • Bonesai
    Maybe its Broadcasting to heavy, something i see on our Dualband APs too.
    check subnet mask of all members, use the highest bit mask thats possible for all at the network connected devices and ap. That should help to get some days of uptime instead of minutes or hours.
    unfortunately it want solve the problem throughout.
  • alextouch
    Thank you for your answer, it’s strange to me think at broadcasting because there are not so many devices connected to ap and vlan too. Netmask is on all devices. Maybe I can try to activate broadcast storming prevent on the switch and see what happens.
  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment
    Hi @alextouch

    Please help to collect diagnostic on NWA1123AC-v2 if adding the option on switch does not help.

  • alextouch
    Hi @alextouch

    Please help to collect diagnostic on NWA1123AC-v2 if adding the option on switch does not help.

    Thank you Joslyn, I’ll try to add optional in switch then see the AP log. If nothing happens, I’ll send you diagnostics from NWA.
  • alextouch
    Today I tried to connect NWA to another switch but the problem is still there... Randomly port0 goes down and then up after few seconds.
    So I can exclude switch issues.

  • Alfonso
    Alfonso Posts: 257  Master Member
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    Sorry if the idea is silly: Did you change the ethernet cable when you tried to connect to another switch?
  • alextouch
    Yes, I did. But the problem is still there... there isn't a cable issue, maybe hw or sw. Tried also to connect to a PoE switch instead of 12v plug but nothing changes.

    Thank you
  • Alfonso
    Alfonso Posts: 257  Master Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment
    If your device is covered under warranty, and you have copy of your proof of purchase invoice.
    I would try to get a replacement hardware.
  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Answer First Comment

    We received the diagnostic, and it is under analyze now.
    If there is any conclusion, I will reply to you via the private message.

  • alextouch
    Thank you Joslyn, I’ll wait for an answer from you.