New XS1930-10 Issue

Posts: 5
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I just purchased a XS1930-10 and updated to the latest firmware. I've noticed that sometimes when making a settings change, they won't take effect until a reboot. Am I missing something here or is there a problem with the switch? Anyone else seeing this?

Some examples are…

• Ports 1-4 would not connect until a reboot

• Setting VLANs would not work until a reboot

Firmware is at V4.80(ABQE.1) | 02/01/2023


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  • Posts: 2,993  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited July 2023

    Hi @ScottM,

    May I know what device did you connect to the XS1930 ports 1-4? What VLANs settings did you try to change? And could you collect the switch tech support for me to clarify? Please send it to me by private message.

    The path to collect the tech support is Maintenace > Tech-Support > All to download.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Posts: 5
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    Hi - thanks for the help.

    It didn't matter what I connected - it would not register a connection on ports 1-4. Ports 5-8 worked fine. I tried two machines befiore trying a reboot - both Macs using 10G or 1G ethernet.

    This was setting up the VLANs from scratch - just basic testing. Trunk port 8 to our main Cisco SG300 switch. Then testing a few VLANs on port 3 and 4. As I mentioned - no connections would happen until a reboot. Then things worked as expected.

    I now have all 8 ports setup with various machines including vmware ESXi and things seem to be working. 

    Tried connecting a SFP adapter for connectivitiy to the switch and once again had to reboot for the adapter to be seen.

    This just doesn't seem right to me. Thinking of returing the switch for another unit.

    I'll send the support file. Thanks.

  • Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    So if you unplug everything and reboot do the ports work when plugged back in?

    Seems like when you configure the switch it does not update changes for the ports to work.. if you disable a port plug a device in then enable the port does that get it working?

  • Posts: 2,993  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited July 2023

    Hi @ScottM,

    We had a similar experience with devices not connecting. We have fixed this issue in a new firmware that will be released soon. Please wait for the new firmware and update.
    Please help to monitor if problem 1 or 2 reoccurs afterward. If one of these issues recurs, please keep the surroundings and provide a remote computer for me to clarify your issue.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Posts: 5
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    Seems to be hit or miss. Doesn't happen all the time. Strange.

  • Posts: 2,993  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @ScottM,

    XS1930 new official firmware is released, you can reference this forum post to download it:

    Zyxel Melen

  • Posts: 5
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    Thanks - I have already updated the firmware. Although I see no mention of this issue being fixed in the release notes for the firmware for 4.80(ABQE.2)C0. We'll see.


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