Port forwarding USGFLEX200 issue

Carlo Posts: 48  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Hi all,

I am trying to redirect port 7980 to a lan IP of

Everything works well on the LAN and the device is responsive on port 80.

However, when I try to access the device from the WAN it looks like the port forwarding is not working correctly. 

the broadband in WAN_1 is a dsl line and there aren’t any filter on it.

any advice?

Accepted Solution

  • Carlo
    Carlo Posts: 48  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    not sure what the problem was but I removed all the NAT rules from the Nebula portal, re-added the only rule I needed for the NVR and it just worked straight away.

    Must have been a bug with the Nebula portal.

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