ZyWALL USG 20W - failed attempt to upload the software

After an unsuccessful attempt to upload the software, you cannot connect to the router.
Is there a detailed, step-by-step instruction somewhere (with the necessary files) on how to re-upload the firmware? Some kind of recovery tutorial.


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  • Posts: 168  Master Member
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    You should be able to find the information in your manuals. Look for the "firmware recovery" chapter in the troubleshooting part of the Appendix in the manual, or use the CLI Reference Guide document to find out how to access a non-booting device in debug mode. You will need a serial cable (DB9 plug) and a terminal program to connect to your serial ports.

  • Thanks for the answer. I have such a cable, but I haven't found any clear instructions.
    I don't see any software for this specific router in the Zyxel support section.

  • Posts: 168  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
    edited February 2024

    Connecting to the router when using a serial cable is not router specific. It is based on using any terminal-based software on your own computer and becoming familiar with the program and its settings. Some settings could be used as they are by default, sometimes you need to set specific settings to make the computer send the correct signals to the serial port to achieve the correct communication.

    The default settings for the console port are as follows:

    Speed: 115200 bps

    Data bits: 8

    Parity: None

    Stop bit: 1

    Flow control: Off

  • Posts: 5
    First Comment
    edited February 2024

    Currently I'm on Linux, I'm trying to connect via terminal, following the instructions:https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/360010591540-Use-the-console-port-on-Linux-Debian

    I have the impression that the terminal then displays some random characters :(

    Trying through Putty I get:

    Opening serial port '/dev/ttyUSB0': Access denied

  • Posts: 168  Master Member
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    Not sure how it works on Linux, part of the output message saying /dev/ttyUSB0 makes me think that maybe it does not try to communicate on COM1 (default serial port)?

  • When I try Putty on Windows, I have the same problem:
    A lot of strange, random stamps appear when trying to connect.

    What could be the reason?

    I will add that when I connect ZyXell to the power supply, only the PWR indicator lights up and I hear the fan, nothing else.

  • Posts: 168  Master Member
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    Unless there are some missing or unset settings to enable correct communication in your terminal software, I must defer to the Zyxel team members for more precise troubleshooting of your issue. Sorry for not being able to help any further.

  • :( Will you be able to find out anything?

  • Posts: 168  Master Member
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    I don't know enough about the procedure for specific models, I have only had previous experience with ZyWall 5 and USG 60, but that is now in the past and I am no longer responsible for following up on any Zyxel devices at my workplace. I can only suggest looking at other issue contents, unless someone from the Zyxel team replies here.

    Maybe you want to repost the question, and maybe rephrase the issue?

    Anyway, here is a link to a post from which you might possibly deduce some procedure information:

    (Sorry that I won't be able to allocate more time to do any research into your issue.)

  • Posts: 1,518  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @jamess,

    Not sure if it is a hardware issue after the firmware update. Could you help us confirm if the serial console is available? Assuming it is available, maybe we can try to use firmware recovery to recover this device.


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