Why has the geoip update policy changed?

c777 Posts: 11
First Comment Second Anniversary

Hi Zyxel team.

Previously, I asked questions on this community forum about the geoip update. I was told the Geo IP database would not change frequently.

I had one or two updates per week on USG20W-VPN, now it's been more than a month that the database has not changed without error message, it's just "up to date".

Why this change along the way?

Is this a one-off change or is it going to be the new model?

Thank you in advance for your clarifications. Have a nice day and weekend.

All Replies

  • c777
    c777 Posts: 11
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    Hi, there,

    Thanks for the link to the thread I created earlier.
    I'm not looking for a technical answer, but rather information.
    In fact, I'd just like to know why Zyxel has changed its security policy on this subject and whether it's going to be permanent or temporary.
    To be even clearer, I want to know whether the services offered still meet my expectations or not.
    That's why I'd like to have a clear and precise communication on this subject from one of the company's employees.

    Good day to all.