AD Authentication: Invalid DN syntax


All Replies

  • Fabio_Dangelo
    Fabio_Dangelo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    10 Comments Friend Collector

    Indeed! It's an unfinished product! You are right!

    I hope the missing features will be introduced soon.

    I need to manage some APs too… that features will comes in november.



  • Fabio_Dangelo
    Fabio_Dangelo Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    10 Comments Friend Collector

    You know? AD integration will work for the entire directory, not only a selected group or OU.

    It's fun! isn't it?

  • YanShadowGT
    YanShadowGT Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    Fourth Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    Hi @Fabio_Dangelo,

    For the AD to work, the user you use as your login on the Zyxel must be in the Users folder that comes by default from your domain. All other users, it doesn't matter where they are located, you will find them.
