Can anyone explain this router log to me please? What are upnp subscribers?

soliniai Posts: 3  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector


I had UPNP enabled, disabled it now. This log is from the time when UPNP was enabled.

What does this mean?


daemon    err    upnp    miniupnpd: upnpevents_processfds: 0x8e3368, remove subscriber uuid:5b55dc20-7cd6-4c41-9b2a-1e52d96751a3 after an ERROR cb: 
daemon    warning    upnp    miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect(xxx:2869): Connection timed out
daemon    warning    upnp    miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect(xxx:2869): Connection timed out
daemon    debug    dhcpc    udhcpc: Sending discover...
daemon    debug    dhcpc    udhcpc: Sending discover...
daemon    debug    dhcpc    udhcpc: Sending discover...
    daemon    err    upnp    miniupnpd: upnpevents_processfds: 0x8e3368, remove subscriber uuid:2a1ede6f-2303-46c2-baed-88048fbbe3ad after an ERROR cb: 
daemon    warning    upnp    miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect(xxx:2869): Connection timed out
daemon    debug    dhcpc    udhcpc: Sending discover...
daemon    warning    upnp    miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect(xxx:2869): Connection timed out


xxx represents my IP.


What are these subcribers? There were two. Thanks

All Replies

  • Caroll
    Caroll Posts: 19  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    @soliniai , what's your device model and current firmware?

  • soliniai
    soliniai Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Not sure, but what do these subcsribers mean? Something harmless or harmful? Thanks

  • smb_corp_user
    smb_corp_user Posts: 168  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    The answer should be somewhat easy to deduce, at least if you are familiar with the layout of logs in general. Taking your time to do a Google search (or any other search engine), it should provide you with some basic information to make it easier to start reading the manual and learn more about the features.

    I performed a Google search using the following part of your log sample:

    miniupnpd: upnpevents_processfds: 0x8e3368, remove subscriber uuid:

    Here is a link to the Google search:

    I will post a couple of links below to sites where this type of log has been discussed already. It is recommended that you have got a modicum of knowledge about UPnP, at least knowing just a little bit about why they are used in the first place (as suggested in one of the linked posts).


    The Github page is easy to read and contains the shortest explanation:

    [miniupnp commented on May 18, 2018]one client requested event notification (through the SUBSCRIBE HTTP request)and connection to the notification http url timed out (the machine is probably turned-off :)


    More dialog, maybe less clear explanation, unless you have got some previous UPnP knowledge.