“Router-on-a-Stick” with VLAN with XSG1250-12

IvanIlTerribile Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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System configuration:
ONT to XSG1250-12 to FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber

System Issue:
Since I cannot take advantage of the fiber port on the FRITZ!Box I am trying to take advantage of my 2.5GB connection anyway by avoiding the connection via ont since it would occupy the only 2.5GB WAN port and limiting myself to using the 1GB LANs.

System problem solution:
An attempt is made to integrate XSG1250-12 as a bridge between ONT and FRITZ!Box, with the goal of creating a VLAN for the WAN connection and using the switch's 2.5GB ports to connect devices.

XSG1250-12 configuration problem:
Port 10: ONT Connection, Port 11: Connection to FRITZ!Box WAN Port.

  • a VLAN ID:835 tag was created (as requested by my provider) in which only port 10 and 11 tagged are members
    -VLAN ID:1 all ports are untagged, port 10 is not a member and port 11 is tagged to allow “Router-on-a-Stick”
    -PVID 835 port 10 remaining, PVID remains in 1
    the system is partly working, i.e., the internet connection is coming to the FRITZ!Box (Wi-Fi and LAN ports working), but none of the switch ports are working.
    I have also tried other settings but the problem persists.
    I should add that DCHP on the FRITZ!Box, I also tried disabling it on the XSG1250-12 but to no avail.

I am asking for help in properly configuring my XSG1250-12 with the goal of taking full advantage of my connection by using the “Router-on-a-Stick” method

Thank you for your support.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,951  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited December 2024

    Hi @IvanIlTerribile,

    Since you mentioned "the system is partly working, i.e., the internet connection is coming to the FRITZ!Box (Wi-Fi and LAN ports working), but none of the switch ports are working.", I want to know your meaning of none of the switch ports are working. Do you mean the device connect to the switch cannot have internet? Please share more details about your issue, thanks.

    And what's your topology? Is it like below?

    ISP —— ONT——(P10) XGS1250(P11) —— (WAN)FRITZ!Box?

    By the way, are FRITZ!Box fiber port and WAN port combo port?

    Zyxel Melen

  • IvanIlTerribile
    IvanIlTerribile Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    edited January 9

    Yes the scheme is exactly like this: ISP —— ONT——(P10) XGS1250(P11) —— (WAN)FRITZ!Box.
    since in my country it is not possible to connect to the ftth network with a private modem I cannot use the fiber cable directly to the modem, so I was provided with an ONT that being connected to the only 2.5gb Wan port does not allow me to fully exploit my connection since the other ports are limited to 1gb.
    So my goal is to insert the switch between the IPS and the modem so as to be able to exploit the 2.5gb ports of the switch.
    the problem is that once everything is connected as explained previously, the modem has a connection and works, while any device I connect to the switch does not receive internet

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    edited January 11

    The behaviour you're describing, while it's not the one you would, makes sense.

    Unless you split your switch into two sections with two vLANs (one for the WAN interface of your FRITZ!box + ONT, one for the devices + LAN interface of FRITZ!Box) you won't have anything different.