Setting up Firewall USG60

Micke_MNO Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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When Im trying to connect to my USG60 it always shows HTTPS with a red text and with a line crossing those letters, port 8443 ( is used as a default when I have typed in the IP address to my USG60.
I dont know where to sort this, if its a security setting in the firewall or if its a security setting in my W10 (I have just performed a complete reinstall of my home PC).
I have been looking for advises on the internet and other places, but this far I havent seen anything that even touch this topic.
I dont know why the prolem is there or whats causing this phenomen.
If someone have an idea I would be happy to share that idea.


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,934  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula
    edited January 15

    Hi Micke,

    my USG60 it always shows HTTPS with a red text and with a line crossing those letters

    This is occurring because your browser doesn't recognize the firewall's security certificate. It is the normal behavior.

    port 8443 ( is used as a default when I have typed in the IP address to my USG60.

    Are you looking to change the WAN access port from 8443 to 443? If so, you can modify this setting in the WWW configuration menu.

    Please be aware that the USG 60 model has reached its EOL status. For optimal performance and support, we recommend exploring our current firewall offerings here:

  • Micke_MNO
    Micke_MNO Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Hi, and thanks for your answer.
    Unfortinally this didnt really answered my concerns.

    What worries me is that because of this red HTTPS with crossing lines I gets recommended at my login attempt to not log in to this unit when its concidered as unsecure, and I need to take other ways when windows tries to prevent my connection.
    I would like to get rid of this red text so I can access my firewall directly.
    I heard someone saying that this phenomen is because of a certificate in my USG60 is faulty or something else which makes it to be obsolete or something.

    Since my first message I have tried to access my USG60 from another computer which gave the same phenomen, so by this I can take out my newly reinstalled PC from this equation.


  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited January 17

    In which case you need a Certificate

    You then need to point you DNS of your DDNS to USG IP

    or you can do a self sign Certificate but you would need to import to windows trusted root Certification authorities