Why am I unable to execute the cloud firmware version check on the firewall?
Question : The user may encounter a situation where they cannot execute the cloud firmware version check on the firewall. In this case, the latest version will display as 'None,' as shown below: What could be the possible reason for this issue, and how can it be resolved? Answer: The possible reason why the user cannot…
How do I update the firmware via FTP on the USG Flex H model?
Scenario : Users typically use the Web-GUI to update the firewall firmware, but it's also possible to use FTP for firmware updates. This FAQ will guide you on how to execute this. Answer : Please prepare a PC to connect to the firewall's LAN port and obtain a DHCP IP (for example, the assigned DHCP IP is…
If the USG FLEX H is running with the date firmware, where could I download an official firmware?
Question: If the USG FLEX H is running with the date firmware, I cannot upgrade it to the latest official firmware by clicking "Cloud Firmware". Because the official firmware is unavailable on myZyxel.com, I cannot upgrade it by clicking "Local Firmware". Where could I download an official firmware release to successfully…
ZyWALL USG Series Firmware Upgrade Service Q&A
Started from the ZLD 4.20 firmware version, the firmware upgrade service was introduced to help customers to easily and safely keep the firmware of their Zyxel devices up-to-date. In this document, you will learn about the firmware upgrade service and how you would benefit from it. You will see how Zyxel keeps ZLD 4.20 and…
USG FLEX H Series - Firmware Upgrade Memory Check
The latest uOS update (version 1.21) introduces a firmware upgrade memory check to ensure that devices have sufficient memory available before performing a firmware upgrade. This enhancement aims to prevent upgrade failures due to insufficient memory, especially for devices with limited system memory, such as the USG FLEX…
USG FLEX H Series - Firmware Management Enhancement
The latest uOS update brings significant enhancements to firmware management, providing administrators with more control and flexibility. Key improvements include the ability to select the partition for booting, manual and cloud firmware uploads, and options for auto-reboot during auto-updates. New Enhancements Partition…
Simplifying Firmware Upgrades with Zyxel's One-Click Feature
Simplifying Firmware Upgrades with Zyxel's One-Click Feature In an effort to streamline the firmware upgrade process for our users, Zyxel Networks is thrilled to introduce a significant enhancement to the standalone Access Point (AP) management: the One-Click Firmware Upgrade feature. This new addition to the web Graphical…
Why is USG FLEX H firmware unavailable on myZyxel.com?
Question: I'd like to download the latest USG FLEX H firmware but the link in the download library which goes to portal.myzyxel.com has no firmware in it. Answer: If the factory default firmware version is 6.29 patch 2, you have to follow the wizard to upgrade the device to 1.08 and then upgrade to 1.10 P1 or later…
How to upgrade switch firmware via web GUI? V4.80 or newer firmware version
This FAQ will introduce upgrade switch firmware via web GUI with 4.80 firmware or newer. Navigate to Menu > Management> Maintenance > Firmware upgrade Choose the image slot you want to upgrade and upload the firmware file. Then click the upgrade button to start the firmware upgrade. Normally, we select the image slot that…
Firmware upgrade fails.
If you encounter difficulties in completing a successful firmware upgrade, please verify whether your network environment can resolve "firmware.nebula.zyxel.com," as illustrated in the figure below: Tool: Eg. Windows "Command prompt" (shortcut: windows+R > cmd > Enter) If not, kindly modify your DNS settings to or…
[FLEX/ATP]Why am I unable to upgrade firmware by Cloud Helper?
Question: Why am I unable to upgrade firmware by Cloud Helper? Answer: If device firmware is date firmware, Cloud Helper will restrict the user downloading the FCS firmware from Cloud because it forces the user to confirm the release note and make sure the issue has been fixed in the FCS version to avoid the issue…
How to upgrade the firmware for AP via Web Configuration?
The aim of this guide is to guide you upgrade the firmware for AP via Web Configuration. Find the firmware package at Zyxel Download library in a file that (usually) uses a .bin extension. 2. Click Maintenance > File Manager > Firmware Package 3. Click Browse... to find the .bin file you want to upload. Remember that you…
Recovery steps if you cannot update the firmware in the running partition
you cannot update the firmware in the running partition Here
is a situation, if you notice you cannot update firmware to the newer firmware
such as from V4.65P1 to V4.72. You can follow the below steps to recover your
FW update function: STEP1.
Back up and download the startup-config.conf of the running partition.…
Failed to upgrade to the new ZLD5.21 patch 1: why and how to resolve it?
Zyxel had just released the new ZLD5.21 patch1, which fixed the parsing error in the Application signature V1.0.0.20220310.0. However, Zyxel support had received support cases, where the firmware upgrade operation failed in certain conditions, in both on-premise mode or Nebula-managed mode. This supplement document is…
Recovery steps for USG FLEX/ATP Series with Device HA Firmware Update Fail.
Symptom: Device
HA mode update firmware through “Cloud Firmware” upgrade, the network services
is keep running on active device and you may get dialog with “Device HA Pro
Firmware upload is in progress…” on GUI keep loading. And the firmware version
on active device is not upgrade to the new version, but passive device…
Cloud firmware upgrade -- On-premises mode
This tutorial introduces how to upgrade the the firmware to resolve the App-Patrol signature issue. Note: 1. This procedure can apply to premise mode devices including: USG20(W)-VPN/ATP100(W)/ATP200/ATP500/ATP700/ATP800 USG FELX100(W)/ USG FELX200/ USG FELX500/ USG FELX700 2. No matter which App-Patrol version is
Guidance to help identify, remediate and defend against this security incident
We strongly
recommend to upgrade your device firmware to ZLD4.65/5.02 in order to mitigate the risk of this security
incident Note: ZLD4.65
for ZyWALL USG Series/ZyWALL 110/310/1100 ZLD5.02
for ZyWALL ATP Series/USG FLEX Series/VPN Series You
can do cloud auto upgrade by clicking the cloud icon. Or download
firmware from…
If my device running on ZLD 4.60C0, how to upgrade it to ZLD4.60 P1?
upgrade your firmware to the ZLD v4.60 patch 1, there are several methods that
can achieve this purpose. Method 1. Download the
firmware from myZyxel portal and upgrade the firmware from LAN locally. Step
1: Login
to myZyxel portal, after logging into the portal, you will see your registered
device list in Device…
If firmware upgrading is impossible at this moment, what else I can do to avoid this vulnerability?
1. If
it is not absolutely necessary to manage devices from the WAN side, you can
turn off the FTP/TELNET/SSH/HTTPS/HTTP/SNMPv3 service on WAN. These services are disabled
by default, so you won’t have to do so unless you have enabled it in the past. Go to CONFIGURATION > Security Policy >
Policy Control and check the…
Is my ZyWALL/USG/VPN/ATP/USG FLEX firmware version affected by CVE-2020-29583? How to check?
the Running version 4.60(XXXX.0) is affected. Go
to MAINTENANCE > File Manager >
Firmware Management > Firmware Status and check the version of Running partition. We strongly suggest
you upgrade the device to the latest version 4.60(XXXX.1). The device
is not affected when the version of Running
partition is…