NR5103 - firmware upgrade not working + option to dim or disable leds
how to update to the last firmware ? the option in Maintenance / Firmware upgrade won't work. I've got a Warning pop up with the message : It is impossible to retrieve the information now. Please try again And it appears that a patch is available for this model. V4.19(ABYC.3)C0 second question: could you provide an option…
New Firmware module nr7101
RG502QEAAAR13A03M4G Hello, I wanted to ask if this latest Firmware module will also be available as a modified update from Zyxel? Thank you https://forum.fibra.click/d/33237-zyxel-nr7101-latest-firmwarequectel-firmware/200
NR5101 root password
Hi - can I have the root password for my NR5101 router please, serial number is; S220Z19018065 Thanks!!
NR5103 or NR5103e can use 1.7-3.8GHz 27DBi Antenna?
Hi I have Antenna 1.7-3.8GHz 27DBi Model: 5g ANT1738D27MZMK is work any model NR5103 or NR5103e to get 4G and 5G ????
LTE5398-M904 Schedule reboot
Hi, I was searching for some options to reboot the router on weekly or daily basis (not because the router hangs, fortunately that never happened to me, and I think this is more related with Providers) but because I need to renew my dynamic IP from once and a while…. didnt found any good option, although I found the NR7101…
FWA710 - How to get 5G
Hi All I've just purchased a FWA710 to try and improve my internet access in a rural location. There is a cell mast about 4km across the fields that has 5G, or at least my Samsung S20 reports a 5G connection whilst standing in my front yard, driving to the mast location I get full signal strength and 5G with good speeds.…
FWA510, Zyxel air app and web GUI not showing same info re. broadband signal strength
When I monitor the signal strength in the browser GUI it can read -110 dBm while at the same time the Zyxel Air app reads -93… In the app I can see the the reception vary between -91 and -95 -while in the web browser (Chrome) it varies around -110 dBm when I force reload the GUI (cellular info on the home screen). And by…
LTE 3302 SSH permission denied (pubkey)
Could do with some assistance to get SSH up and running on my LTE3302. I've activated remote management and SSH keeping the ssh port on 22. When I try to ssh using root@192.168.x.x I get as far as verification of the RSA key, but then receive a permission denied status due to pubkey authentication see last line in…
FWA510: Should cellular WAN2 have status disabled?
Sorry for a lot of questions, but I wanted to ask if cellular if Cellular WAN2 should be disabled? Please see the pic.
NR7101 5G NSA and CA combo
Hello, Have another issue with NR7101. When I restart the modem, it comes online and for some minutes or even hours calls for additional CA RFCNs and have great internet speeds up and down. But after a while modem locks itself to only one LTE and only one 5G RFCN (in my case BC3 and N28). It does not matter, what I do -…
NR7101 IP Passthrough issue in 100ABUV8C0
Hello got NR7101 with V1.00(ABUV.7)C0 and RG502QEAACR13A02M4G_ZYXEL. I run it with IP Passthrough mode. Had to create manually the Group interface containing Cellular WAN 1 and LAN1 interfaces together. Otherwise, when I push the "IP Passthrough" mode under "APN configuration" it says that i have to make sure that…
LTE5398-M904 enable WAN ping
Hi, How to enable WAN IP ping ? I tried to disable firewall, open new ACL rule in firewall for ICMP - nothing seems to work. I can ping public IP from LAN, but not from internet. All TCP port firewall and NAT rules work ok, so ISP TCP/UDP ports are open for my IP. I assume ICMP traffic not blocked by ISP. Security →…
NR7101 pierde la conexión cuando el proveedor me asigna una nueva dirección wan ip
i just installed my antenna, i noticed that when my internet provider changes my ip address on the wan side as it is for all private internet networks, i lose connection for a moment. are there specific settings to avoid this ?
Telenor Zyxel NR7101
Hello! I rented a house that has a telenor nr7101 router installed and I would like to use it, but I can't find the sticker with the wifi/admin passwords, and I don't know exactly how to set it up. Please help me if you can. Thank you very much!
Hello everyone, I use the router mentioned in the title. I use the router in Germany with a German mobile phone provider. Everything worked fine for a few months. Recently the page loading has been very slow. The cellular network with the same SIM card in my mobile phone is very good. I found out that the router doesn't…
NR7101 - Firmware upgrade help
I have an NR7101 on Firmware version 1.00(ABUV.6)C1, this does not appear to be the latest software version, but I am unable to update it at all (upload fail errors) I have been able to successfully update the Modem firmware What am I doing wrong?
NR5101 - LTE Band 32 missing
Hi - on the NR5101 data sheet it’s says LTE band 32 is supported, but if you try and manually select LTE bands 32 is not in the list (Broadband/Cell Band Conifg)?
External directional antenna for 5G-NSA on FWA510
I have a FWA510 that is currently using its internal aerial. The service connects to an O2 transmitter about 1.2 miles away, with clear line of sight - but through my double glazed window. I'm getting about 20-35Mb/s up and 15-20Mb/s down (much better than the alternative BT ADSL). The Air app says I'm connection with…
Firmware update LTE5398-M904
Hi, someone would have the LTE5394-M904 modem firmware
LTE Module firmware for LTE5398-M904
Hello, I have just upgraded my LTE5398-M904 to the last FW version V1.00(ABQV.4)C0. The updated was successful via the web UI. At the same time, in the release notes I read "LTE Module FW version: EG18EAPAR01A12M4G" but my router has still version EG18EAPAR01A08M4G. Does anybody know how to have the FW mentioned in the…