Would like to see ssl vpn option on nsg and Nebula? Any time frame on this?
Firmware Upgrade & Amend Login details
Hi, I am new to the NSG100, I assume I can run the firmware upgrade from the control centre and the device will reboot itself. I assume the NSG100 will not lose it's configuration and just carry on working as I will be doing this remotely from the office where the device is located, do I need to make a backup, is this…
remote access vpn ports
Hello. what ports for remote access vpn to use. our customer is using nsg200 and is connected to the internet via a mobile 4G. remote access vpn cannot connect to that firewall. but that firewall is able to connect to another nsg200 which is following a wired internet connection.these use site to site vpn
IMPORTANT - tenanted leakage
Hi. We just registered a new switch to a customer. we get an erorr in the nebula app saying "this device is already registered". So we chose "great, yes, do that" and press OK. Then a switch, which is online, is showing up. it is not our switch. We get all the information on the swtich (ports used, mac/ips etc.) and we can…
Nebula Portal down
Hi Team is there a issue with the portal we cant see anaything only a blue turning circles
security gateway lan to lan2 connection block
Hi. Is it possible to block access from lan2 to lan1, but allow access from lan1 to lan2, etc.
Real time heat map for Nebula
I would really like to see a heat map in Nebula. We have the ability to use Floorplan already, so we are almost there.
Moving a site to another Organization
Hi, We are in a situation where a Company is Selling part of the business to another Company. So, we need to Move a couple of sites to a newly created Account and Organization. The question is, can this be done without having to create alle the settings again. Best regards
comment creer un deuxième compte admin
Problem to monitor client in Zyxel Nebula Free
Since the august, 26, 2020 I cannot monitor clients from the dashboard of Zyxel Nebula.Where I can find help for this. I am located in France. Thanks in advance for your help.
Internet drops wireless is up
one of my clients is having issues with their wifi, at first we thought it was a problem with the firewall but since replacing that they still have issues. problems are as follows : 1 : client is connected to the wifi but looses internet (cabled machines still have internet)2 : client gets disconnected from the wireless,…
NWA1123-AC HD - Only 10 mb - always disconnected
Hello, I am desperate.
I cannot have a good connexion on the NWA1123-AC HD
setup with Zyxel Nebula. I have followed the indication about the deactivation
of captive portal, L2 isolation and rate limited. The AP are with the last Firmware version : V6.10 (ABIN.2) I tried a lot of setup. And now I am lost to find
a solution.…
Error creating a RADIUS SERVER connection
Hi!, I,m trying to configura an external radous conecction in NCC. Wathever i put on the connection fields, im getting an error when i,m tring to save the configuration saying: INVALID_VOICE_VLAN_PRIORITY. Im trying to create a RADIUS POLICY per mac authentication but the same error. I have not badwith management defined…
Apply BWM template to all clients
It would be fantastic if we could create a BWM template at the MSP level, and apply it to all, or selected clients. Then, if we make a change to the template, it updates all clients.
How to assign a client to an AP ?
I require to assign a specific client to a specific AP .. is this possible ? This client has 6 WAC6303D-S units and we use Nebula to control.
How do I revert the firmware back to 6.00?
I updated my NWA1123-AC PROs to 6.10 which seems to be causing problems how do I revert the firmware back to 6.00? I'm using nebula.
App pushalerts
Hi, Is there a plan for having app push notifications less than 5 minutes when devices goes Offline? Why, why not? It seems sometimes excessive for some important units in the local network. Thanks in advance!
Trying to add a GS1900-24HP to Nebula - Not Supported by NCC error?
Bought this switch to go with my AP's and having trouble getting it configured in nebula...
Idea: Add client name in Access Point Event log
Hi, I am using NCC 2.0 to manage several WAX510d access points. In the Access Point > Monitor > Clients screen I can add a descriptive name to each client and its MAC address. Looking into Access point > Monitor > Event log I only see the devices with their MAC. Is it possible to also get the descriptive client name here?…
OpenVPN Router (as a client) behind NSG
We have a client that needs access to a hosted server within AWS. We do not manage that server. Their solution for server access via RDP is using an OpenVPN router (Router with built-in OpenVPN client) behind whatever primary router is in place. They suggest Sonicwall if the client does not have a business class router. We…