1-click button to enable/disable site-2-site vpn connection
I would like to see a way to disable a site-2-site connection so we dont have every vpn-connections open to our customer all the time. we just want to enable the tunnels when we need it. In this way, customers with same subnet won't be an issue since we dont have keep the tunnels open at the same time when we troubleshoots.
Adding devices via Nebula App and Portal
Currently the MAC-addresses on the boxes and on the stickers on the devices don't have any : or -, so just a series of numbers/letters. And yes you can easily work with QR codes, but older devices which have no QR codes available and got Nebula access via a firmware upgrade should be supported as well. It is not obvious at…
Facebook Wi-Fi with check-ins.
I would like to propose Nebula to retail store users. However, many stores require the following feature. https://www.facebook.com/business/facebook-wifi Actually many vendors already support this feature. Is Nebula have any plan to support this feature?
BPDU block on edge and mac-limit
Hi, it would be a great addition making it possible to block/shutdown edge switchports if a spanning-tree BPDU is seen or number of mac addresses raises over a certain level. The background for this request is to limit users from installing third party switches which can break your topology. Bonus would be to do…
[NEBULA] access to Switch nsw100-28
I was been configuring the switch nsw100-28 thought webserver in lan with the typical user and password admin/1234. Afterward I've registered the switch NSW100-28 in Nebula CC and now I cant sign up by LAN to the webserver of the switch. I've tried to sign up with admin / 1234 but I'm not allowed. I used the username and…
[NEBULA] Setup easy VPN connection to a NSG50
Hi there, Can i find a manual somewhere, how i can setup a NSG50 as a VPN server? My situation: a NSG50 is in the DMZ of a NAT gateway. In the NSG50 i made several VLAN, i would like for clients to be able to connect to one of the VLAN with their laptop so they can access local devices (a NAS) in that network. I was not…
[NEBULA] Auto Negotiating to 100Mb's Full Duplex
Hi, I have several sites with both Zyxel AP's and Switches. Currently at 3 of these sites I have noticed each switch tends to have 1 or two ports sitting on 100mb Full Duplex instead of 100MB. The switches are set to auto-1000mb and have also tried to force this via the switch and reboot access point but this caused AP to…
[NEBULA] Disable SIP ALG on NSG100?
How do we disable SIP ALG on the NSG100? Can this be done in the Nebula Dashboard?
NSG local access blocked for guest interfaces
Hi there, I use a NSG50, a GS1920-8HP and 2 NAP102. In the NSG50 i created serveral VLAN's and a VLAN10 for guests ( with DHCP server from, i enabled the 'guest'-slide-button in the interface section. In the AP settings i made a 'guest' SSID with VLAN-ID10 and (did i need to?) enabled the…
[NEBULA] Issues: WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 1. Interface:wlan-1-1 Station
Hi Guys, I have just taken on a new job. One of my fist issues is issues with zyxel AP constantly going up and down. When check the logs I get the following: WPA authenticator requests disconnect: reason 1. Interface:wlan-1-1 Station: B8:63:4D:C3:4E:45 Have tired upgrading the firmware but issue continued. Would be very…
buenas tardes, tengo unos ap conectador a mi red pero cuando instale zyxel para realizar una vpn
buenas tardes, tengo unos ap conectador a mi red pero cuando instale zyxel para realizar una vpn perdi el control de los AP y no logro vicularlos me podrian ayudar
[NEBULA] Setting up multiple AP's
In our office we have setup multiple ap's using NAP 102's. The problem is that one NAP 102 only connects for short periods of time and then goes offline again (showing green, amber lights). The other NAP says it has an wireless uplink and the required ip adresses, but is not giving any internet. It has never had any…
[NEBULA] Add extra external IP and map service
Hi, I configured a NSG100 with a static public IP, it connects to the internet, everything fine. Is it possible for me to add three additional public IP's to the WAN1 interface? And, on top of that, map some ports on these 'extra' IPs to internal hosts? Ex: WAN1 IP: WAN1 IP2: to WAN1…
IP Address Block (ranges) in Firewall rules
On the older USG60W/40W/20W-VPN security appliances, I was able to go to OBJECTS and create a block of IP Addresses. Then I could go to the FIREWALL and use the object I created to allow or deny access to those IP Addresses completely or on a schedule or use a different Content Filter Profile on them. How do I create a…
[NEBULA] Does the NSG200 have IKEv2 capabilities for Site to Site VPN
I need a cloud managed switch with IKEv2 due to an Azure integration
[NEBULA] NWA1123-ACv2 disable wizard after uploading config-script
I uploaded my config via SSH to one of my NWA1123-ACv2. After I login via HTTPS, I still get prompted for the wizard, but timezone and other settings have already been configured via script.How can I disable this?
[NEBULA] Best Practice for NSG behind router
On one of our sites we currently have a configuration like internet <-> external router ( <-> NSG100 (WAN:DHCP-Client on external router, LAN1 <-> NSW (DHCP-Client on LAN1 of NSG) <-> NAP The additional router is responsible for the internet uplink and acts as voip gateway. It has a static…
LTE USB failover
Is it possible to configure an USB LTE stick on a NSG50 ?
[NEBULA] Having troubles configuring NSG50 with fiber
Hi, We have troubles configuring WAN access on NSG50 We activate WAN1 on Port 2 and set internet configuration (WAN IP, SUBNET & GW) and it's working We have fiber 100mbps but in this config : Port 2 is set on auto nego / full - duplex speed 100 But speedtest send this ... : If i activate speed 1000 on Port 2 WAN, the link…
[NEBULA] PPPoE Bandwidth Limited on NSG?
I am encountering an issue with an NSG200 on a gigabit CenturyLink PPPoE fiber circuit. It seems that the NSG200 is limiting speeds to approximately 450Mbps. This is likely due to the PPPoE processing that is required, but routers from other manufacturers don't have this limitation when hardware offloading is enabled. Can…