Packages for NSA320
Yes, it's an old model, but it works fine so I'm reluctant to bin a working unit. However, I would really like the Google Sync package, but it won't install from the admin. I guess Zyxel stopped making the software available. I can understand not issuing firmware updates, but why take these offline? Guess they want to…
NAS540 RAID1 to RAID5 migration incomplete
I have a NAS540 device and it was configured in RAID1 on 2 4TB drives. after adding the 4TB drive I started migrating to RAID5. after reaching 100% (and it took 2 days) and after the next 24 hours, the spinning circle is still shown and the process has an incomplete status. On the Hard Disk tab, three disks are described…
Nas 542 format hdd
Hi, I have a NAS542, I would like to know how I can format the hard disks?
NSA325-V2 Backup Planner
I am hoping someone here can help me. I want to backup my Synology NAS to my old NSA325-V2. The Zyxel is just sitting gathering dust so it would be great to use it as a backup device. I found a website that shows me how to do it Zyxel NSA 325v2 as rsync backup target I really am not very computer technical but I can follow…
Unfindable NAS325-V2
I am using a NAS325-v2. I chnaged to Windows 11 and enabled SMBv1. But I cannot find my NAS anylonger. I looked into the router, but nothing appears. How do I dfind my NAS again? Thanks for your help. Jacques
NAS 326
How can I play .flac or .wav audio files on the Android application?
NSA325v2 unavailable firmware files (481AALS1C0.bin)
Hi, I found an old NSA325v2 which is EOL according to ZyXEL. However, the FTP site is still online, just all the file for this model are removed, even though the EOL post specifies that files would stay: https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/360003641379-Support-for-NSA-Series-devices "You can also find resources like…
Install MetaRepository on a NAS 540
Hi, I'm trying to install MetaRepository on my Zyxel Nas540. I have created a web_prefix file in the admin/zy-pkgs/ folder Tried both: http://metarepository.tk/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/ and http://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/ Changed my DNS to, rebooted my NAS a couple of times. But everytime i…
nas542 firmware v5.21 abag.12 + ZyxelDrive
I wish you a good day. I have two problems. 1st: I have a problem pairing my NAS542 with myZyxelCloud. The current NAS firmware version is V5.21(ABAG.7). I enter pairing on the myZyxelCloud page, but after 5 seconds it says: the device was not found. The pairing button does not flash on the NAS542. 2.: After logging in to…
Buonasera, volevo chiedervi cortesemente come mai non vedo il nas nelle risorse di rete. Ho letto che il nas in questione non necessita di smbv1 ma lavora anche con smbv2/3 e quindi non lo ho abilitato (smbv1), in quanto non consigliato. Grazie
It's really possible wow??? @Mijzelf GUYSSSS PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Question: (it's possible?)
nas326 adding disk
The menus are too obscure for my capabilities it seems. I need help adding a previously used disk to the server. The gist of the matter is, I (perhaps stupidly) got a second disk to expand my nas326 and thought to make it the primary one instead of the old (much smaller) disk. So I switched in the new disk, formatted it,…
Most recent Firmware installation removed access to the NAS540
While doing routine maintenance, I saw that a new firmware was available for my NAS540. After installing it, the unit is no longer allowing access to the administrative console software, findme can't find it, and myzyxelcloud can't access it. I am still able to access the disks using tcp/ip connections, but otherwise,…
NAS542 file corrupt
Hi, I have a NAS542 with 4 slots and 2 disks mounted NOT in raid, I see all the files but when I try to open one the message appears that the file may be corrupt. Furthermore, from Zyxel utility starter I can no longer enter the interface to see the volumes. How can I recover my files? Thank you
NSA320 Firmware upgrade
Hello I tried to upgrade my NSA320 with a firmware from 2011 (4.01) but the NSA did not accept the firmware 4.7 (470AFO0C0.bin) or 4.6. What is the problem? Thanks
NAS326 Login issue
>Hi, I have a login problem with my NAS326. I can access to the login page with the browser but when I insert User and Password it remain in "Waiting to login" with the spinning circles… I'm still able to access to the stored data via Zyxel App and via PC File Manager/ Mac Finder but I'm not able to access to the NAS…
NAS326 - no application list in App Center
I get a new NAS326 - Firmware version V5.21(AAZF.15) The list for "all Apps" is empty and I tried to update it, but nothing happen. Internet access is working, ping to google is working. Out from this disscussion the ping to ftp2.zyxel.com doesn't work, also from my PC.
How do I delete my Sky account?
How do I delete my Sky account? Want to start from beginning again, ie I like to create a new sky account and connect my RAS Harddisk devices to the cloud. Can you help me with that?
NAS326, MetaRepository not Working Correctly
Hello, I am a Nas326 user. While trying to update from outdated apps, I discovered an alternative repo to the expired Zyxel repos. As you all know, I am using this repo link; http://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/ I downloaded the http://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/web_prefix file to the…
NSA320S Metarepository stopped working - try to upgrade from SMP1
Hello! I've read several articles/comments from Mijzelf, and some years ago I've successfully installed Metarepository and other third-party packages to my NSA320S (Firmware: V4.70(AANV.0)). I've used it for years, never changed, but now I have problems with SMB1, so I started to search methods to install better samba and…