NSA325-V2 not installing myzyxelcloud-agent

I found these backups of packages https://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/fw4_stock_packages/
However when I try installing the myzyxelcloud-agent it will download between 5-25% then reloads and shows a red no entry symbol which says checksum mismatch and I’m not sure how to fix this.
All other programs install just fine

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,814  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    It's a bug. The ZYPKGS file specifies the filename to be myZyXELcloud-Agent_0.0.15_arm_0015.zpkg, but there is no such file, on the site it's called myZyXELcloud-Agent_0.0.15_arm_0015_325.zpkg.

    A work around is to use the local repository on your NAS. As you can see in the MetaRepository webinterface you can use the directory \\<nas>\admin\MyRepo\. Put ZYPKGS and myZyXELcloud-Agent_0.0.15_arm_0015_325.zpkg in it, and edit either ZYPKGS or the filename.

  • rileyber
    rileyber Posts: 1
    First Comment Friend Collector

    @uno online,

    There might be known issues with the myzyxelcloud-agent package. Try searching online for "myzyxelcloud-agent checksum mismatch" to see if other users have encountered the problem and found solutions.

    Make sure you're trying to install the correct package name, "myzyxelcloud-agent". Typos can sometimes lead to download errors.
    Ensure you have enough disk space available to download and install the package.

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