NAS542 How or if is possible make snapshots
I have Nas542 with 4 WD40EFRX-68N drives. Have RAID5. Heve some shares prepared and i want to have possibility to make snapshots of specific share. Have also Netgear NAS102 and there is simple to open make snapshots when you create share. Alese you can close or open this options later. I can not find some here in Zyxel.…
NAS326 increase password characters
maybe someone knows what can be changed in the system (root configs) to increase the number of password characters and add special characters. now is 14 characters and its too little for create secured pass. support refused to fix the issue.
NAS326 Firmware Update
I tryed to update firmware by web interface, but cannot find server to check the firmware. On zyxel website, when i click to "download", "ftp://ftp.zyxel.com/NAS326/firmware/NAS326_V5.21(AAZF.4)C0.zip" is not working... Is there any other place to find this firmware? FTP and FTP2 on zyxel is not working... #NAS_Aug_2019
NAS326 not visible in Computer
Hi Guys, Can you help with my little problem? I mean, I don,t see NAS in Computer/Network. Do you think that problem is with my Antivirus, I don't know maybe with firewall? I see just Twonky media, but I prefer access by folder. I already check with another computer and it's working, I see NAS, I can move folders etc... I…
NAS326 How increase password characters
NAS326 increase password characters.
HDD vom NSA310 - > NAS326?
Hallo @all, Ich bräuchte einmal eure Unterstützung bitte: Bisher habe ich ein NSA310 genutzt. Jetzt habe ich ein NAS326 bekommen und würde gerne die Festplatte aus dem NSA310, die voller Daten ist, in das NAS326 als Basislaufwerk übernehmen. Eine Festplatte ist bereits im NAS326 vorhanden.Funktioniert das ohne…
New NAS326 host, Debian client permission
Hi, I'm setting up a new NAS326 for home usage. Most of the PCs on the network are Windows with the exception of my desktop, which is Debian Bullseye, Xfce for my desktop environment. I am able to open files, but I'm not able to edit directly and/or save files from my desktop. I can open and edit from the Windows machines.…
NAs540 used as a rsync DESTINATION
Hi guys, may i ask if someone knows how to enable rsync SERVER in a nas540 device ? i would like to use a NAS540 as an rsync DESTINATION device. thanks for your help alex
Help With getting higher than SMB1 on nsa320
I believe this can be done with the metarepository which i installed a few years back and is listed as installed in the pkg page but it will not connect to provide an updated list of pks @ "h***://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/" which i have set in the config page. I think the problem is the path of the…
Intrusion by ramsomware
Hello, Yesterday when I try access to my backup drive that was connected to my nas326 by USB, I see my files all encripted. I need some files that drive. The files have the extension .0xxx and i'am conserned about of security of the NAS. Do you have solution for this problem?
Nas 326 Login Problem after update
Hi!Like it says after update the latest firmware v 5.21(AAZF.8)CO i can no longer login to my zyxel. It works with cyberduck to access it and from the regular network but not from the login page. It says wrong user/password. But works on cyberduck. Does someone know the problem?
[NAS542] Moving existing HDDs with data (4x Basic, NO RAID) to a brandnew NAS542 Hardware
Hi @all, for some reason, I have to move my existing harddisks (used and doing fine on a previous NAS542) to my brandnew NAS542 box that I have already upgraded to V5.21(ABAG.1)C0. The HW-configuration on my previous NAS542 was very simple: * 4 similar HDDs mounted as 4 basic volumes (NO RAID, NO DISK GROUPS) * 4 shares…
NAS326 get more error: (401) and 100% CPU
When using WebDav periodically I got lot of errors. Error refreshing Webdav folder Test The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. And in process monitor WebDav using lots of RAM RAM - 426mbCPU - 85.2%/sbin/DAV_httpd -f /etc/service_conf/httpd_dav.conf how to fix???
Zyxel Samba Replacement - Print Server
I had to update samba on my nas to be able to use it with windows 10 so, I've installed MetaRepository and Entware-ng on my NSA310. The samba update went well it is working again, but I've noticed that the Print Server is not working anymore. Anyone managed to get print server working on the entware-ng samba replacement?…
NAS326 Crypted
Hi all, Tonight I was checking the file inside the nas 326 and I saw all of them totally crypted. I updated today to the version V5.21(AAZF.12) Is there a way to rebuild the original files before the infection?
NAS 520 - Any app installation freezes at 45%
On the latest firmware, no mater what app I try to install, the installation freezes at 45%. Tried so far: - downgrading to previous firmware - same situation - saved configuration and factory reset - same situation Now I reverted back to 5.21 and uploaded back my configuration. SSH is working in case someone has an idea.…
How can i update SAMBA on my NSA325 V2?
I'm trying to connect to my shares on windows 10 , which no longer supports SMB1. I don't want to go around re-enabling everyones insecure SMB1 again, so I'd rather just update SAMBA on the NAS. the only guide I can find on the subject is on nas-central.org which is down, does anyone have an alternerative guide i could…
update froze at 9% and now my NAS542 is beeping. -> How to move NAS "system" to another disk?
1. read the article at https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/zyxel-releases-new-nas-firmware-to-fix-critical-rce-vulnerability/2. logged into my NAS542 webUI.3. went into ControlPanel -> FW Upgrade -> Check Upgrade (last check 2019) -> it found something4. Upgrade now -> it started -> froze at 9% for like several…
HD caddy for NAS326
I lost one of the HD caddy for NAS326, where can I buy the part?
Where can I download the last NAS Starter Utility, for NAS 542?
Where can I download the last NAS Starter Utility, for NAS 542? I can't find it anywhere in the downloads section.