Resolving hostnames between different interfaces
I own a USG FLEX 100. On Interface1 I have LAN connected PCs.... on Interface2 only the WiFi clients. All works great and I can ping clients from different subnet without problems, but I cannot resolve hostnames... only IPs. Hostname are reachable only inside the same subnet. Could someone help me configuring this? Thanks…
printer scanning port not getting open
I have two locations connected with each other via VPN on Zyxel VPN100 and on one of the locations, users use RDP to connect to the second location on the win 10 machine. The printer works on RDP, but scanning does not work as port 445 is blocked on the firewall. I tried to do port forwarding in ZyXEL vpn100 but still when…
Change VPN password
Hello, how can user change password for the VPN ... If he logs in to web interface, I do not see "change password" button there ... Thank you for help ! Vaclav
USG 500 default SSL certificate not trusted inside LAN (on content filter warn pages)
Hi have a issue where when users hit a site that is set to warn by the content filter (ie i have one for uncategorized) users are getting a "Your connection is not private" NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALIDcertificate error from the zywall rather than the warning webpage. Users can proceed and do get the zywalls content…
Direct fibre cable to VPN 100
Dear all, I have switched to FTTH for the first time in my life. I have a WORKING setup with a Zyxel XGSPON Voip IAD (AX7501-B0) router in bridge mode connected via ethernet to a WAN port on my Zyxel VPN 100. The VLAN (11) is set up on the VPN. All is working fine. However, as my VPN 100 has its own SFP port I do believe…
IPSec VPN. How to create connection with multiple local and remote networks
Hello. I Try configure IPSec with remote office. In connection settings I can add only 1 local and 1 remote network. What should I do, if I have 3 networks: Remote office has more networks: 10.10... and etc.
I updated my usg20-vpn series firmeware and now my username and password doesn't work
how do I fix this?
sys led flash usg20
HelloI have a usg20 router.the router reboots on its own, the "sys" led flashesit's random, it can happen every 15 minutesin the log section can we detect the source of the problem thanks
Firewall Commissioning USG FLEX 700 (taking-over from USG110)
Hi guys,We are happy, vessel with new Zyxel hardware has approached Europe and we were able to purchase an USG FLEX 700 which has already been delivered.But it's the first time we have to move our FW adjustments and rules from an "old" device to a new one, without the opportunity to use the Zyxel config converter.…
VPN SSL can't connect with SecurExtender. SecurExtender reconize the server
Hello, i need to connect to my USG20 with a SSL VPN, I guess i have a problem with my config because the SecureExtender reconize the Firewall but nothing happening. I really need help because i have a important work to do Thank in Advance
Android 12 - LT2P over ipSec
Android 12 has a disabled the above protocol and I'm running a very old USG 100 Firewall. I recently updated the firmware, it was some kind of "special" firmware which enabled TLS 1.2 so the USG 100 would work with modern browsers. Does any such firmware exist to allow the setup of ipsecv2 VPNs on such an old device?? Or…
New SSL VPN connection Setup//unable to connect from remote client
Hi- i am trying to setup a vpn connection for a client using a USG Flex 50W (USG20W-VPN) router. I have run through the configuration steps for a SSL VPN, and downloaded the Secuextender vpn client on a local Windows 10 Pro machine. However, i am unable to connect remotely. I have installed the latest firmware. Is there a…
openVPN on USG flex 500?
I've seen older comments about openVPN not being supported on the USG firewalls, but they were dated. Is there any change to this? I need to be able to come through from a variety of different endpoints, not all windows... some are cellular devices... and I don't consider L2TP to be a strong VPN. Please tell me that it's…
Firewall - Match default rule
Hello. After solving the issue with UDP flooding, I see firewall logs: See screenshot: So, What does it mean? I use rules double times? I am happy, that these packages have been dropped, but it would be great if you explain to me whether it is good or not...
SSLVPN configuartion
my ddns configure my ssl vpn is not connecting
UDP Flood issue (Zywall USG 100)
Hello. Today internet works slow. I noticed, that CPU overload (98%) and the Active session list is full too. I visited log and saw a lot of ADP records: In the ADP profile I turned logging off and decreased the threshold from 1000 to 500: In the Firewall menu, I turned on Session limit for 300 second and 50 Sessions per…
Order of processing Question (USG flex 500)
Hi, From a course way back with the zywall 50 i thinking that Firewall happens first then the NAT.Ie if your port translating 444 to 443 you firewall 444 because firewall processes first then nat. Is this true and where does IDP come in ? reason i ask : I have a geo block on all Russian IP addresses, but when i look in IPS…
Client L2tp connect to Ipsec tunnel on flex200
Hi, local subnet VPN1 site to site remote policy Server001 VPN2 L2tp over IPsec subnet range Local subnet connection with site to site and Server001 OK Client L2tp connection with remote local subnet OK Remote L2tp client connection with site to…
ATP let VoIP Pass truth?
Hi Maybe someone have a good idea why the VoIP from my ISP get blocked?! Security Policy Control Match default rule, DROP [count=5] XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5060 YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY:40259 ACCESS BLOCK x= IP from my ISP for VoIP (how it seem like) y= My Fix Wan IP via a PPoE "Dialup" to my ISP 5060 is the "default" Port for VoIP. So…
Negative effect from using "Geo IP" ?
Hi Another Question are someone here see and negative effect from using "Geo IP" to block all Traffic outside of your Region? I only allow Traffic from Europe where I life since I travel around and want use an VPN on my Phone to connect and allow other People to use my Server Data for there Project. Outgoing Traffic I…