SSL Inspection Pages SLOW


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  • jonatan
    jonatan Posts: 192  Master Member
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    The file sented in a personal message.

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @jonatan,

    We are already debugging in your site. Please kindly wait for updates.

    Hi @Julien_ALM,

    Can you please share your startup-config.conf file with me by private message?
    I would like to test this case for you.

  • Motivio
    Motivio Posts: 21  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    Hi, I also have slow Website loading with SSL Inspection on my FLEX 100, running the lates firmware.
    Especially pictures on a website are taking very long to load, while you are visiting the site for the first time. Without SSL Inspection it's very fast.
    Key Mode is: ECDSA-RSA-1024

  • MPOster
    MPOster Posts: 15  Freshman Member
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    Motivio said:
    Hi, I also have slow Website loading with SSL Inspection on my FLEX 100, running the lates firmware.
    If you attempt to visit a website like you will have to wait as if it were dial-up. As of ONE MONTH Zyxel has not logged into my USG-200 even though I gave them full access to it. Here is the funny part --- one of the headquarter spots of Zyxel is literally 9 miles away from my location in Anaheim. The tech looking into this has given me absolutely no feedback. 

  • MPOster
    MPOster Posts: 15  Freshman Member
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    Looks like this is certainly an issue with Zyxel and not our ISP's 
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Motivio,

    Can you share some information with us;

    1-    How long does it take to open a website with SSL inspection enabled and without SSL inspection?

    2-    Which website do you use for testing?

    3-    Can you try to update your signature?

    (Configuration > Security Service > SSL Inspection > Certificate Update)

    4-    Can you provide me remote access to a client in your network and admin account to your gateway by private message?


    Hi @MPOster,

              Do you mean USG200 or USG FLEX 200?

              What’s the firmware version of your device?
  • Motivio
    Motivio Posts: 21  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Anniversary
    I've tested with the following website:

    I run the Certificate Update manually. Even that it didn't change the version in the display, there was a change afterwards, when I cleaned up the "Exclude List" under SSL Inspection.
    Now it seams to be ok.

  • MPOster
    MPOster Posts: 15  Freshman Member
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    I hope this didn't go stale -- I literally just shut off the SSL because I am sick of hearing the complaints but I want to get this fixed. My prior set-up was a Fortigate which uses the same system settings and I didn't have any issues with that one . 
  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @MPOster,

    We apologize for your inconvenience.

    We have addressed this symptom and currently we are working on the improvement. 

  • DG_1
    DG_1 Posts: 6
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    Is there any progress on this topic?