conexão ruim para aparelhos Apple

LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
Third Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited April 2021 in Nebula
Srs bom dia, tenho um AP303 Zyxel em uma sala de reunião, porém notei que somente em aparelhos da Apple (macbook, Ipad, Iphone) a conexão fica péssima, se eu colocar um notebook do windows ao lado para comprar vimos que vai muito bem para o Windows. isso ocorre tanto para conexão internet como rede interna. alguém ja passou por isso e tem alguma configuração para melhorar ?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 503  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @LuisFlavio,


    The antenna of laptop and mobile is different and will relate to their experience.

    Applications and the amount of users also impact the performance.

    Can you provide the Capability and Tx/Rx rate in Access point > Monitor > Clients of these Apple device and Windows notebook?

    How big is the meeting room and how far are the Apple and Windows devices from AP?

    We’d like to help you do some adjustment for improving your wireless network.

    Thank you




  • LuisFlavio
    LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Third Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    Hi @LuisFlavio,


    The antenna of laptop and mobile is different and will relate to their experience.

    Applications and the amount of users also impact the performance.

    Can you provide the Capability and Tx/Rx rate in Access point > Monitor > Clients of these Apple device and Windows notebook?

    How big is the meeting room and how far are the Apple and Windows devices from AP?

    We’d like to help you do some adjustment for improving your wireless network.

    Thank you




    Olá bom dia, desculpe a demora para responder.

    segue abaixo a imagem, tudo que está com um rabisco amarelo é aparelho Apple, a sala tem 5x10mts e os aparelhos estão a 2,5mts do AP, pois é uma mesa da sala de reunião.

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 503  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @LuisFlavio


    From your screenshot, the client with low Tx/Rx rate are all connecting via 2.4GHz which performance is much lower than 5GHz.

    You can tune the AP’s power at Access point > Configure > Radio settings. Let 5GHz has more than 5dBm plus to 2.4GHz then the client will eager to connect via stronger signal.




  • LuisFlavio
    LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Third Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    Hi @LuisFlavio


    From your screenshot, the client with low Tx/Rx rate are all connecting via 2.4GHz which performance is much lower than 5GHz.

    You can tune the AP’s power at Access point > Configure > Radio settings. Let 5GHz has more than 5dBm plus to 2.4GHz then the client will eager to connect via stronger signal.




    Obrigado por responder, vou fazer isso, porém se observar na imagem abaixo isso acontece somente com Iphones, ja com Macbooks que é o meu maior problema eles estão em 5GHz mas com uma conexão péssima, cai toda hora, as paginas de internet demoram muito para abrir, o o acesso ao servidor é absurdamente lento.

  • LuisFlavio
    LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
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    Hi @LuisFlavio


    From your screenshot, the client with low Tx/Rx rate are all connecting via 2.4GHz which performance is much lower than 5GHz.

    You can tune the AP’s power at Access point > Configure > Radio settings. Let 5GHz has more than 5dBm plus to 2.4GHz then the client will eager to connect via stronger signal.




    Estou colocando a imagem aqui de como está configurado o Rádio.

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 503  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @LuisFlavio,


    Can you provide how many APs are there in the meeting room and total clients amount and their applications?

    If other APs not for this meeting nearby, we suggest to use DCS and narrow the channel width to reduce interference.

    The clients will have better experience on using Wi-Fi.





  • LuisFlavio
    LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    Third Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    Hi @LuisFlavio,


    Can you provide how many APs are there in the meeting room and total clients amount and their applications?

    If other APs not for this meeting nearby, we suggest to use DCS and narrow the channel width to reduce interference.

    The clients will have better experience on using Wi-Fi.





    Olá Bella

    Existe apenas um AP na sala de reunião, e em média 5 pessoas conectadas a ele nessa sala, no andar de cima tenho outro AP, NAP102, o da sala de reunião é o NAP303, que eu verifiquei de estranho é que se ele conectar em uma rede visitante melhora, porém na rede principal trava tudo, todas as redes tem senhas para se conectar e nosso cabeamento é direto do Switch até o AP com CAT6.

    att. Luis Flavio
  • LuisFlavio
    LuisFlavio Posts: 13  Freshman Member
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    segue abaixo minha configuração atual

  • Zyxel_Bella
    Zyxel_Bella Posts: 503  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @LuisFlavio


    What’s difference of configurations between visiting network and the main network?

    Let’s monitor for some days if wireless network performance gets improve after DCS.

    If still not effect, please change the Channel width to 40MHz to have less co-channel interference until wireless network getting stable then change back.

    Thank you




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