USG40W Filter content by keyword

Marco86 Posts: 3
First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security
Hi all,

I'm new in this world and I'm thinking to buy a firewall USG40W to approach.

I need to filter all research on google, youtube by some keywords to avoid that some content is visible. I was reading that with the upgrade to Content Filtering 2.0 with the USG/ZyWALL ZLD 4.20 firmware should be possible, but I didn't understand so well what filtering 2.0 can do and if the device that I want buy can do.

Can someone help me to understand how or if my needed is possible to implement?

Thanks a lot


  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector
    edited April 2021

    Hi @Marco86,


    Can you please share some information with us;

     1st scenario:

    Do you mean that you want to specify the keywords by your own for blocking content?

    For instance, I don’t want someone to search “Marco86” keyword in any website.

    It must not return any result.

    2nd scenario: 

    Or do you mean that you want to filter inappropriate , sensitive content for search engines? (Like family filter)

    It filters out the inappropriate result and returns proper result.


    Best regards.

  • Marco86
    Marco86 Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Zyxel_Can ,

    thanks  for your helping.

    The best scenario is the first scenario from you written.
    I'd like to filter some research containing specific keyword, for example if i search on google or youtube "GTA PS4 Game" and i have setted in the firewall the key word "GTA" i want hide all contents that have "GTA" word in the metada. 

    Yes, is like parental controll.

    Do you think that is it possible ?


  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    @Hi Marco86,

    Hiding the search engine result is not supported.

    However, as I mentioned in the first scenario you can add Blocked URL Keywords for search engine queries. 

    Note: It will not hide the result that matches with keywords and won't show the rest of the result.

    It will block the entire web page for that Blocked URL keyword.

    Modern websites uses HTTPS protocol for communication. When user type in a keyword to a search engine, it will be encrypted by TLS.

    In order to decrypt the input for gateway and filter out the keyword, we will need SSL Inspection feature.

    In your case, USG40W doesn't have SSL Inspection feature. You can consider purchasing a model that supports SSL Inspection.

    You can click the following link choose a model and click on License&Spec button for more information.

    For instance;

    (Find Key Features section)

    Once you have a gateway that supports SSL Inspection, you can add Blocked URL Keywords for Blocking the result. 

    (Configuration > Security Service > Content Filter > $ProfileName$ >Blocked URL Keywords menu.)

    When clients search the keywords, it will block as following;


    Best regards.
  • Marco86
    Marco86 Posts: 3
    First Comment
    Thanks a lot.
    It's more clear now.