Routing for accessing printers from multiple networks

goerps Posts: 3
Friend Collector
I use a USG200 and use on LAN1 multiple small subnets having printers located in one subnet.
How can I configure the routing to access the printers from multiple other subnets in a way that e.g. air print works?
--LAN1----basic-subnet with printers
           \--virtual subnet needs access to printers
           \--virtual subnet needs access to printers

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector

    Hi @goerps,


    Did you try to create Policy Rule as following(Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route> Add):

  • goerps
    goerps Posts: 3
    Friend Collector
    Thank you for your answer.
    I tried this routing setting. But when I enter the Nex-Hop as you described in your example my fw complains: CLI Number:3, Warning Number: 28005, Warning Message: "Invalid gateway from Next-Hop interface. Policy route rule will not work".

    When I use "Auto" or "Gateway" it does not complain and at least it looks like I'm able to use a manually installed printer. Printer search like installing new printers on Windows or air print seems not to work.

    There still is something missing.

  • Zyxel_Vic
    Zyxel_Vic Posts: 283  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hi @goerps
    Had you tried to ping from your PC/Laptop to the printer (or the PCs that in the same subnet with the printer)? In your settings, since those hosts (PCs/printers) are direct routes to the USG200, suppose you shouldn't need to do further settings on the USG200. 
    Can you have a check on this? If all traffic are just blocked by on the router, perhaps you can send us the config file in private message so that we can help to check.
  • goerps
    goerps Posts: 3
    Friend Collector
    Thank you for your answer. The ping works and on Windows I am able to access the printers web site and print a testpage.
    So basically I think the routing as described in the first answer using "Auto" for Next-Hop seems to work.

    When I try to print a page with an iPhone I only see the printers when I am connected to the same network as the printers are. Connected to access points using the other networks I do not see any printers.
    I setup a 1:1 NAT or a vitrual server I am able to access the web page of a printer using an address in the current network but in the iPhone I still do not see any printers.

  • Zyxel_Can
    Zyxel_Can Posts: 342  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector
    Hi @goerps

    When your client(Windows or smartphone) search printers in your network it uses multicast traffic for discovering printers.

    Currently we don't support multicast traffic across different VLAN subnets.

    We will consider your suggestion as feature evaluation.

    Please refer to following link as reference: