factory reset wont work

allenm Posts: 3
edited May 2024 in Wireless
My AP NWA1123-AC HD will no longer connect to the LAN.

I can see it on NCC but holding in the reset button does not reset the device.
Current version: V6.20(ABIN.0)

Doesn't connect with DHCP or static IP

What can I do?



All Replies

  • allenm
    allenm Posts: 3
    flashes green & orange always
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,524  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Are you doing the reset with the AP powered and hold reset in for a good 20 seconds?

  • allenm
    allenm Posts: 3
    yes  AP is powered,  hold reset till lights change , still no reset

    It used to work I've reset it before
  • Zyxel_Joslyn
    Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @allenm

    Accroding to your description, the LED status is flashing with orange and green. It meanse the AP is booting up or searching for the NCC/controller.
    If you used reset button, the LED status will be steady orange then flashing orange and green. Please let me know if you saw the steady orange LED.
    After that, here is the SOP to let the AP back to standalone mode with default.
    1. Remove the AP from the NCC inventory.
    2. Ensure that the AP gets IP address successfully. If no IP address, check the DHCP server and environment. We also can use ZON to scan the devices. Install the software on the PC which is in the same subnet with the AP.
    3. Connect to the AP IP address and realize if the AP is back to default.

    If you want to use another way to let the AP back to default, you can refer to the below link. There are three ways to reset the AP via reset button, web GUI or via SSH.
    Please let me know if it helps.
