How to set up Configuration Templates

Zyxel_Adam Posts: 429  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers Third Anniversary 10 Comments Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
edited June 2023 in Org-wide settings

A configuration template is a virtual site. The settings you configured in a template will apply to the real sites which are bound to the template. All sites, which are bound to a template follows settings of the template.

Location path: Organization-wide > Organization-wide manage > Configuration templates

  • Create a template and bind a site directly

When a site is bound, it will be shown in your template

  • Bind additional site, unbind site, and revert to template setting

Click your template name

There are 3 buttons can be utilized.

  1. Bind additional site: To bind more site in this template.
  2. Unbind: If you do not want to apply any new settings from the template to a site, then select the site and click unbind button.
  3. Revert to template settings: If you've changed configuration of a site, use this button will be able to make your site configuration back to template settings.

  • If you want to configure some specific settings directly in a site after the site is bound to a template, select the local override function on top right.

After confirming the pop out message, the page select local override function will be configurable.

You can also check which page is enabled local override function in your template.

Note1: You can use a template to configure site-wide settings, switch settings, and access point settings.
Note2: A site can only be bound to one template. The same template can be used by multiple sites. The site(s) and the template should belong to the same organization for binding.
Note3: If the NCC service is downgraded from Nebula Professional Pack to Nebula Basic, all the sites will be unbound from the template(s) but retain the settings already applied from the template.

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