How do I open ports on USG60W


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  • Ranbir08
    Ranbir08 Posts: 9
    The router is installed in school and the Host will provide School Student Registration ON-LINE. 
  • Ranbir08
    Ranbir08 Posts: 9
    They have request to open the said ports so traffic can flow freely between our network and there server.
  • Ranbir08
    Ranbir08 Posts: 9
    I have included document sent to me for which ports are to be opened for the service.
    I have tried to set policy's but to no avail. I have changed port 443 to 4443 as this was used for WEB management of USG60W.
  • gb5102
    gb5102 Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    That document appears to say that your firewall needs to allow *OUTGOING* connections to on the specified ports.
    From: LAN
    To: WAN
    Unless you are restricting outgoing connections, you should not need to do anything.
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Ranbir08

    According to the above topology and your requirement.

    You can add policies(enable OpenVPN, HTTP, HTTPS service) to allow LAN1 hosts to access the External Host Server, as below.

    Or you may adjust the default LAN1_Outgoing policy to the highest priority.

    You can choose one method of them.
