C3000Z Port Forwarding and Application Forwarding reset after restart


I have a C3000Z with firmware CZD005- it is setup to port forward. Trouble is whenever I restart the C3000Z, it erase all the Port Forwarding and Application Forwarding information. It doesn't matter if it is a hard restart from unplugging the model or a soft restart from selecting "reboot" from inside the admin page.

This is a serious flaw.

I also did a test by making a custom application forward rule, then I set the an IP with the port forwarding rule, then I saved the configuration file on my desktop.

I rebooted the modem then I saved the configuration file on my desktop.

I opened both files with notepad++ to compare both configuration files and the configuration file after booted has only the custom application forward rule.

I reached out to low lever Century Link support and they think C3000Z modem is bad and I need a new one.

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