Setting USG FLEX 100


Espongo alla vs. cortese attenzione ed esperienza, quanto segue:

Linea TIM 1 Gbps,
notebook collegato direttamente alle porte del router TIM Hub, velocità media rilevata = 850 Mbps.

Collegato il router al firewall Zyxel USG FLEX 100,

notebook collegato direttamente alle porte del firewall Zyxel USG FLEX 100, velocità media rilevata = 450/500 Mbps.

E' possibile che il firewall si "mangia" oltre 300 Mbps?

Deve essere fatto qualche settaggio affinché sulle porte ci sia il max della velocità?
Good morning.

I submit the following to your kind attention and experience:

TIM 1 Gbps line,
notebook connected directly to the TIM Hub router ports, average speed detected = 850 Mbps.

Connected the router to the Zyxel USG FLEX 100 firewall,

notebook connected directly to the ports of the firewall Zyxel USG FLEX 100, average speed detected = 450/500 Mbps.

Is it possible that the firewall "eats" more than 300 Mbps?
Must some setting be done so that on the ports there is the maximum speed?

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,586  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited September 2021
    The 900Mbps of the firewall throughput on the FLEX 100 is not based on TCP speed so the speed your getting is about the limit of the FLEX 100. A model with 2600Mbp firewall throughput give 1Gb TCP speed. 
  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Security services are enabled by default. You can try to disable them to make sure if it is the reason.
    (USG FLEX > Security service> CF/Anti-Malware/ IDP)

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