Why is NSG100 LAN1 DHCP limited to 32 IP addr ???

Papa_DIOP Posts: 17  Freshman Member
10 Comments Fifth Anniversary
I have a big site with 8 switches and 30 APs. The NSG100 Nebula Security Gateway does not offer IP addr to all network equipments, even if i extend the DHCP address range to 60. Is there a limit on the number of devices per site that an NSG100 can handle ?

All Replies

  • ivessm
    ivessm Posts: 45  Freshman Member
    10 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    Papa_DIOP - On the surface this doesn't sound right. Some questions come to mind...
    1. Is there another DHCP server on the network? 
    2. Is DHCP set as the default on all the devices you are trying to get connected?
    3. Just from what you said, you have 38 devices that might be looking for an IP address PLUS all the other "stuff" connected to your 8 switches. Depending on how your configuring everything on your network, the 60 addresses you are allocating might not be enough. 
    Depending on your lease time settings with 30 Access Points you will swiftly run out of addresses for anything connecting to the AP's if you only have 60 available. You have to take into consideration the lease time and the 50% of lease time for the life of a DHCP lease.

    Good luck.


  • Papa_DIOP
    Papa_DIOP Posts: 17  Freshman Member
    10 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    Thanks, Ives. It's about the Management VLAN DHCP only which seems limited, whereby Network Equipments are supposed to fetch a Management IP addr. All other VLANs have DHCP running fine.
  • Zyxel_Jonas
    Zyxel_Jonas Posts: 313  Zyxel Employee
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Answers 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Hi @Papa_DIOP,

    Please provide the organization/site name and help to activate Zyxel support located at HELP > Support request, so I could have the privilege to check the current settings and status.
    More likely, there is other DHCP server in the environment which using same VLAN with management.


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