[Release Note] Nebula Control Center - Phase 3 software has been released!

Nebula Moderator
Nebula Moderator Posts: 127  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited July 2022 in Nebula CC New Release

Zyxel Nebula Control Center

Release Note

April, 2018

New Feature and Enhancements

  1. Support Nebula and Nebula Profession Pack.
  2. An intuitive sign-in page is added.
  3. The new visual format of Zyxel Brand 2.0 applies to the whole NCC.
  4. Performance of Monitor features are dramatically improved.
  5. The internationalization (i18n) support for Change log is added. Translation to non-English languages is on the way.
  6. The initial setup wizard is enhanced. When AP is registered, user can also setup SSID in the wizard.
  7. Organization menu is re-arranged for ease of use.
  8. Time zone can be configured when a new site is being created.
  9. Inactivated License can be unregistered.
  10. Administrator can be manually deactivated.
  11. Maximum length of Cloud-Authentication email is now extended to 63.
  12. When default Firmware Upgrade time is selected, time gaps are inserted between upgrading different device types.
  13. Device offline alert will be sent once, when back online, another alert will be sent.
  14. The maximum length of Event Logs is enlarged to 24 Hours.

Nebula Forum Moderator