Computer DB9(male) to USG60 DB9(female) serial cable setup

jwgmmr Posts: 4  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary
edited January 2022 in Security
Is there a writeup describing the way to connect a typical PC DB9 male computer serial port to the DB9 female console port on the USG60 ?
I found this article about how to get the debug mode to do a lost pw reset, but how to set up the cabling is harder to find. 


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  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hi @jwgmmr
    You may search by keyword "RS232 to USB". It will list lot of different products like this.(some of cable required additional driver)

    Make sure PC could detect the cable by Device Manager first. And install terminal software.(e.g. Tera Term)
    For Serial port connection default baud rate is 115200.