Why does my WAP6807 keep disconnecting from the VMG8825-T50 router
Posts: 1
in Home Router
The WAP6807 sets up OK and runs fine for a while then the link LED goes out and the WAP6807 then actually blocks the signal to my Laptop from the router, if I take the laptop downstairs to the router then I can access the internet again. If I turn off the WAP9807 then I can connect to the internet via the main router from upstairs.
The only way to re-pair the WAP to the router is to do a hard reset each time.
The only way to re-pair the WAP to the router is to do a hard reset each time.
All Replies
Hello @KPCH
Do you know if you have the WAP6807 set-up in repeater mode or access point mode?
There is a post on a t-mobile support forum that says that the WAP6807 works best in access point mode, see https://community.t-mobile.nl/vast-internet-492/wifi-repeater-zyxel-322500 and translate from the Dutch language.
There is another forum post at https://community-windtre-it.translate.goog/internet-a-casa-61/ex-1470?_x_tr_sl=it&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc that says that the WAP6807 tries to connect to a router by default using the 5GHz band. If your router only supports 2.4GHz WiFi then it seems that the WAP6807 will fail to connect.
This probably means that you will need to connect the WAP6807 by a wire or a powerline Ethernet extender to your router.
I hope that this is helpful.
Kind regards, Tony0
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