Why does the Zyxel Switch can’t bootup properly?

Zyxel_JonasTan Posts: 98  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited September 2024 in Other Topics
When users Zyxel switch keeps on rebooting and can’t bootup properly, they will be unable to login the switch normally. The cause of this event might be related to firmware or configuration were crashed. The only way to recover the switch is to reload the switch .bin file and .rom file thenuse the default login profile and password to login.

Note: The following statement will reset the switch to factory-default settings.

Procedure to upload the .bin and .rom file to the switch:
1. Connect the switch to a PC via console cable and set the baud rate as 9600.

2. Power on the switch and press any key to break the boot initiation when you see the log pattern as below:

3. Type "atba 5" to set the switch console baud rate as 115200 and you need to configure the terminal program baud rate as 115200. If the baud rate of your switch is already 115200, please skip this step.

4.Type “atlc” and use XMODEM to send the latest .rom file.
(File > Transfer > XMODEM > Send)

5. Type "atur" and use XMODEM to send the latest .bin file.
(File > Transfer > XMODEM > Send)

6. After uploading the .rom file, please type "atgo" to reboot the switch. Then the switch's console baud rate will change to 9600.

7. Set your terminal program baud rate as 9600, and wait for boot initialization.

8. User can now login with default user-name and password.