[Release Note] Nebula Control Center - Phase 14 software Release!

Zyxel_Jonas Posts: 313  Zyxel Employee
Fifth Anniversary 25 Answers 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited July 2022 in Nebula CC New Release

Zyxel Nebula Control Center Release Note

Common NCC (Organization, Site-wide …etc.) enhancements:

  1. The ownership of registered devices in an Org. now can be protected from accidentally transferred out by using Nebula Mobile App.
  2. When a user signs in, the time to load Dashboard is reduced.
  3. The Clients page is redesigned to display the data as fast as possible. For the data that might need longer processing time will not be shown by default.
  4. All the traffic usage charts are now unified to display rate (e.g. Mbps) instead of amount (e.g. MB) in the previous versions.
  5. The online help UI is reorganized to find the information more intuitively.
  6. Added EMEA, North/Central America and rest of the world direct support information.
  7. The change log for operational changes in features of MSP menu are improved. (MSP Pack license is required)
  8. Support tagged Org. for MSP branding. (MSP Pack license is required)


Wireless LAN (WLAN) enhancements:

  1. The newly created site's DCS client aware default setting has been changed to off.
  2. The SSID network add/delete behavior is now consistent with simple mode.


Switching enhancements:

  1. IPTV report now can be exported. (Pro Pack license is required)


Security Appliance enhancements:

  1. The Smart VPN function free beta period is ended. Now it requires Pro Pack license.
  2. The system-generated firewall rules are now visible in Security Policy.

Mobile Router enhancements:

  1. Added mobile router column in MSP portal (MSP Pack license is required) and Group-wide overview (Pro Pack license is required for all of the grouped organizations).