VMG8825-T50 Router - NO USB Connect Settings on Web interface

NST Posts: 4
Friend Collector
Hi, this router has a USB 2 and USB 3 port for plugging in drives. 

But when I log into my admin settings via the computer, there is no section that enables me to configure a USB drive - it is completely missing from the settings. 

I found an instruction manual online that is for this specific router, and indeed it instructs people to go to the Network Setting > USB Service > File Sharing

When I go to my Network settings, there is no USB Service option. 

Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?????

(Yes, I have a drive plugged into the router, and have tried it in both the USB 3 and USB 2 port. The drive works fine on my Windows PC so it is not the drive). 

All Replies

  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Thanks @NST for your post.

    Are you able to say what version of firmware your router is running please?

    This could be relevant to working out why the menu is missing.

    Kind regards,
  • NST
    NST Posts: 4
    Friend Collector
    Thanks @NST for your post.

    Are you able to say what version of firmware your router is running please?

    This could be relevant to working out why the menu is missing.

    Kind regards,
    Hi Tony! 

    I only just saw your reply sorry. 

    The firmware version is:


    According to the online manual, the trouble shoot for this is:

    I have done this multiple times, in both the USB2 and USB3 ports on the router. I have also tried different USB drives - which all work absolutely fine on my Windows 10 PC. 

    I think it also says in the manual, that in order for the USB menu to appear in the router settings online, the drive needs to be connected to the router. It appears that the router is just not recognizing the drive(s). 
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    Did you check which filesystems are supported by your router? Are the drives you're testing compliant?
    Did you check the power draw allowed from your router? Are the drives you're testing low power enough for your device?
  • NST
    NST Posts: 4
    Friend Collector
    mMontana said:
    Did you check which filesystems are supported by your router? Are the drives you're testing compliant?
    Did you check the power draw allowed from your router? Are the drives you're testing low power enough for your device?

    Hi. The router supports FAT32 filesystem. All my flash drives are FAT32 formatted. The drives are thumbdrives, not huge data powered drives. Thanks
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited June 2022
    Thanks @NST for your reply.

    Since your firmware release number has D0 in it, it means that it is an ISP specific version and not the generic release version, so please can you also ask your ISP for advice.

    Looking at the release note for the generic firmware 5.50(ABOM.7)C0 that is available at https://www.zyxel.com/support/DownloadLandingSR.shtml?c=gb&l=en&kbid=M-03039&md=VMG8825-T50K#searchZyxelTab4 and https://download.zyxel.com/VMG8825-T50K/firmware/VMG8825-T50K_5.50(ABOM.7)C0_2.pdf I cannot see any known issues that would stop a USB thumb-drive with FAT32 on it from working.
           - there were some bugs regarding USB that were fixed.

    The D0 version of firmware might have USB functionality disabled, or it might not.

    Kind regards,

  • NST
    NST Posts: 4
    Friend Collector
    Thanks @NST for your reply.

    Since your firmware release number has D0 in it, it means that it is an ISP specific version and not the generic release version, so please can you also ask your ISP for advice.

    Looking at the release note for the generic firmware 5.50(ABOM.7)C0 that is available at https://www.zyxel.com/support/DownloadLandingSR.shtml?c=gb&l=en&kbid=M-03039&md=VMG8825-T50K#searchZyxelTab4 and https://download.zyxel.com/VMG8825-T50K/firmware/VMG8825-T50K_5.50(ABOM.7)C0_2.pdf I cannot see any known issues that would stop a USB thumb-drive with FAT32 on it from working.
           - there were some bugs regarding USB that were fixed.

    The D0 version of firmware might have USB functionality disabled, or it might not.

    Kind regards,

    Ok thanks Tony for looking into it. 
    I'll contact my ISP and see if they have any answers. 


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