Nebula Cloud Service maintenance - 2022-07-03 07:00-08:00 (UTC+0)

Zyxel_CSO Posts: 444  Zyxel Employee
5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
edited September 2023 in Nebula Status and Incidents

Dear Nebula Users,

The system will temporarily slow due to the maintenance.


     Nebula next phase preparation.

Started from:

      2022-07-03 07:00 AM (UTC+0)


      2022-07-03 08:00 AM (UTC+0)

Affected scope & Risk:

  1. Some of monitor pages will encounter loading slower.

Note: This maintenance event does not affect Nebula devices and their local network services.

If you observed any issues after the maintenance, please contact @Nebula_CSO

Zyxel Nebula Support

Zyxel Nebula Support