How to get different privileges by RADIUS authentication

Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited June 2022 in Maintenance


In the ZyWALL USG, you can configure local users with different privileges such as admin, limited-admin, users and guests. This allows users to have different privileges when they login to the USG. For ext-user accounts, which are authenticated by an external RADIUS server, the USG sets the privilege for account to “user” by default if the RADIUS server does not have the user type information. How do we assign the user type as defined on the USG to the ext-user account on the RADIUS server so that the USG is able to get the user type once a RADIUS user has been authenticated? In this guide, we will show you how to configure a vendor specific attribute to set user type for each user group on the RADIUS (NPS) server.

Configuration Guide:


RADIUS server: Windows Server 2008 R2

Create three groups on the RADIUS server: csoadmin, csosecurity and csoguest. Add members in each group.

Goals to achieve

Assign the user type for each user group on the RADIUS server.

RADIUS Server Configuration

1.       Go to Administrator Tools > Network Policy Server.

2.       Select CSO_admin and go to Properties.

3.       Go to Settings > RADIUS Attributes > Vendor Specific. Click on the Add button.

4.       Select Vendor-Specific and click on the Add button.

5.       Click on the Add button.

6.       Enter ZyXEL’s vendor code: 890. Click on the Configure Attribute button.

7.       You need to configure user type, lease-time and reauth-time in each attribute.

On ZyXEL USG series, we support four types of users: admin, limited-admin, user and guest.

In this example, we set “admin” as the privilege of this group.


User type

Vendor-assigned attribute number: 1 Attribute format: String

Attribute value: admin


Vendor-assigned attribute number: 2 Attribute format: String

Attribute value: 0~1440


Vendor-assigned attribute number: 3 Attribute format: String

Attribute value: 0-1440

8.       User type, lease-time and reauth-time are configured in each attribute for the group CSO_admin.

9.       Click on the Apply button to finish the privilege setting.

10.       Repeat steps 1 to 9 to complete the vendor specific attribute configuration for Network Policy CSO_guest and CSO_support.


Use the web authentication to check the user type of the logged-in user.


Place a check in the Enable Web Authentication checkbox on the USG.

Go to CONFIGURATION > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS and configure RADIUS server on the USG

Go to CONFIGURATION > Object > AAA Server > RADIUS and configure RADIUS server on the USG

Use the guest-level account “CSO_guest” and admin-level account “Bob”to login to the device respectively

Test Result for account “CSO_guest”

Without configuring vendor specific attribute for the group of the account “CSO_guest”, it belongs to the type “User” when you go to check the logged-in users in the USG.

After following the configuration guide to set vendor specific attribute for the group “CSO_guest” and using the same guest-level account “CSO_guest” to login to the device again, the user type becomes “Guest”

Test Result for account “Bob”

Without configuring vendor specific attribute for the group of the account “Bob”, it belongs to the type “User” when you go to check the logged-in users in the USG.

After following the configuration guide to set vendor specific attribute for the group “CSO_admin” and using the same admin-level account “Bob” to login to the device again, the user type becomes “Administrator”.


By following this guide, you can assign different user types for RADIUS group accounts according to their privilege just like the local users. ZyWALL USG will then get the user type, lease time, and re-auth time from the RADIUS server once the logged-in user is authenticated which used to control access of services in the USG.