If I add the firewall to the nebula, will it reset its settings?

Hello everyone;
-I have a fully configured ATP500 .
-Using it in workplace.
-There are 400+ clients connected.
Here is my question, if i add it to nebula system, will all configurations reset or all configurations are transferred in nebula ? 

Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,287  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    Welcome to Zyxel Community. Do you mean currently ATP500 is on-premise mode and you would like to deploy it to Nebula mode? If so, you can refer to the below situations:
    Situation 1. ATP500 never deploy to Nebula before:
    ATP500 will need to execute ZTP to a new site and need to manually configure the new site 

    Situation 2. ATP500 ever been deployed to Nebula before and the legacy config still exist on the Nebula Control Center:
    You could re-assign ATP500 to the legacy site and execute ZTP to the legacy site again, the NCC would push configuration to ATP500.

    Situation 3. You already had an existing Nebula ATP500 site and you want to clone this site’s configuration to your current ATP500:
    You could create a new site on NCC and clone the existing Nebula ATP500 site’s configuration to your new site, for example, I create a new site named Jeff-ATP100-site2 and I can clone the existing Jeff-ATP100 site’s configuration to Jeff-ATP100-site2.

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All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,287  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    Welcome to Zyxel Community. Do you mean currently ATP500 is on-premise mode and you would like to deploy it to Nebula mode? If so, you can refer to the below situations:
    Situation 1. ATP500 never deploy to Nebula before:
    ATP500 will need to execute ZTP to a new site and need to manually configure the new site 

    Situation 2. ATP500 ever been deployed to Nebula before and the legacy config still exist on the Nebula Control Center:
    You could re-assign ATP500 to the legacy site and execute ZTP to the legacy site again, the NCC would push configuration to ATP500.

    Situation 3. You already had an existing Nebula ATP500 site and you want to clone this site’s configuration to your current ATP500:
    You could create a new site on NCC and clone the existing Nebula ATP500 site’s configuration to your new site, for example, I create a new site named Jeff-ATP100-site2 and I can clone the existing Jeff-ATP100 site’s configuration to Jeff-ATP100-site2.

    See how you've made an impact in Zyxel Community this year! https://bit.ly/Your2024Moments_Community

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