Nebula NR7101 - how to open ports

GiuseppeR Posts: 317  Master Member
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula First Comment Friend Collector
edited November 2022 in Nebula
I installed a pair of Nebula NR7101.
I have also a pair of firewalls on those sites, so I want that NR7101s pass any traffic to the firewall.
I disabled it in the options:

and I use the NR7101 in "IP Passthrough Mode".

No way to open a specific port from the WAN:
- neither placing it in "Protocol" section (2 rules for TCP and UDP)
- neither using "Access Control" for enabling those 2 services created in protocol
- neither creating a generic rule in "Access Control" saying open port XY on the TCP/UDP

It seems that there is no way to enter that port.

I saw a guide:

1- Have I to disable IP passthrough?
I think so because I see no DHCP clients in "Home Networking" so I cannot use DMZ, Port Forwarding and so on.

2- After disabling bridge mode is it correct to place the firewall of the site in the DMZ?

3- If so, which is the reason to use it in IP passthrough mode?

4- The section in the picture above, as you see called "Firewall", is an add-on to the ATP100 (for example) that we install on site or it is a protection only for the NR7101?

Thanks in advance.

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