NAT from source IP by FQDN

PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited July 2 in Security Ideas

When making a NAT rule for Virtual Server your able to select for source IP a FQDN which would allow a dynamic connection by given FQDN to IP to match the NAT rule.

WILDCARD FQDN are not selectable.

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  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
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    NAT <> Virtual Host.
    NAT chews only IPs, no hostnames.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    mMontana said:
    NAT <> Virtual Host.
    NAT chews only IPs, no hostnames.

    You don't get how a FQDN works like say as a FQDN the USG does a lookup for the IP

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    You're probably right.
    I'll gladly read the lecture, if you will write it when you'll have enough time. :)
  • valevecchio

    Thanks Peter, do you refer to security policy? It's the only rules where I can specify a source IP as FQDN, but if I set this I can't set the dest. port and I wouldn't that this has effect for all NAT because I have some port forwarding without restriction and other with this source restriction.

    Thanks in advance

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    edited February 8

    The idea is for the NAT rule to have select traffic by source FQDN go to a port like port 80 at say but with another rule below for port 80 to have any other traffic go to 80

    there is a way you can do the above but needs a VLAN switch and another USG and not with NEBULA

    if your not needing that then you can use security policy