NWA90AX connection issues with second and third SSID


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  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,923  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula

    Hi @ep4it ,

    Thank you for your response.

    1. Does the Ring Doorbell drop off when connecting to SSID1?

    2. Could you help to confirm whether the Ring Doorbell’s firmware is up-to-date? If not, please upgrade the firmware to the latest version. This article shows you how to check if your Ring device is up to date.

    3. In addition, in case your Ring Doorbell is Battery-powered device, you can try to create a new SSID and enable U-APSD to Ring Doorbell connects to. The setting path: Configuration > Object > AP Profile > SSID > SSID List > Add SSID Profile.

    If the issue still recurs after implementing the recommendation, please collect the diagnostic file by navigating to Maintenance > Diagnostics. Afterward, zip the file and send it and Ring Doorbell’s MAC address to us via private message by clicking to my account > Message.

  • ep4it
    ep4it Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Hello, I had contact with Ring and they told me that I should set this particular Ring doorbell (wired Gen 2) to a 2.4GHz network where the ssid that the Ring equipment connects to is broadcast with only 2.4GHz (there must be no 5GHz for that ssid). Also the WPA password should not have special characters!

    I did this and this did not appear to solve the problem. However the setting of the U-APSD in the ssid does appear to have worked. So far the device has not dropped in a day which is great news.

    Just as a note for anyone reading this, apparently the newer versions of the Ring doorbell (Pro versions) can work on 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi networks so may be a better choice if you are going down this route.

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