Power consumption LTE3316-M604

Can't find this under technical details, but hope for help here.

Because I am looking for power leaks in my "smart house", I need to know  how much each unit use idle and max. This new unit is used as bridge in front of an asus router with very few users (mostly cameras).

Idle or/and max?

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  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,353  Guru Member
    Fifth Anniversary Community MVP 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Max/Peak consumption, according to the leaflet, is 13W. Or 13wH if you keep it powered on a full hour.

    For idle/work consumption, maybe a metered socket can provide you more reliable data, due to the distance from the cell antenna (the one of the mobile ISP) and... the wireless use.

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