How to block porn and nudity in parental control Using Zyxel EMG3525-T50B HELP

Tom03 Posts: 1
edited February 2023 in Home Router
Hi Guys

I have been trying to block porn sites and nudity but I have failed. I have attached the document of what I have done so far but still its not working. I am using 


Please Zyxel find a way of making this very easy to do. 

All Replies

  • HouliCrab
    HouliCrab Posts: 41  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary


    As far as I know, https cannot block website pages, only http can do that.

  • bigkenny
    bigkenny Posts: 27  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Have you tried Open DNS you can try that with the settings changed on your router to OpenDNS and config` the settings on the OpenDNS home page/account. You can block out some web sites, have a look at this

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