Automated Reboot of C3000Z

I am trying to determine if I can automatically schedule my C3000Z to reboot on a nightly or weekly basis. I found a tutorial to create a reboot file for the ZyWall USG (article ID 013378 on, but I have no idea if that would work for my device or not.

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  • monkeynia
    monkeynia Posts: 32  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Hi @ATOlson

    C3000Z seems like not ZyWall USG. The reboot file probably not use for C3000Z.

    Why not try an IOT power switch and set up a schedule with IOT APP?

  • ATOlson
    ATOlson Posts: 2
    First Comment

    My only concern with an approach like that is that I'm trying to control my modem. If I use the smart switch to cycle power off, will it be able to "receive" the second signal to cycle power back on? I have some Wyze switches, I just have not tested out this application.

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